Aleksander os. Category:Alexander Os 2020-01-16

Meaning, origin and history of the name Alexander

aleksander os

We are thrilled to introduce you to our award winning wines. Click more info and enjoy! Aleksander is a red wine blend reminiscent of the great wines of Bordeaux. Centered around Merlot, it has varying degrees of contribution from other classic Bordeaux grapes, depending on the vintage. However, the most famous bearer was Alexander the Great, king of Macedon. The name has been used by kings of Scotland, Poland and Yugoslavia, emperors of Russia, and eight popes. Contributing to the complexity of our wines are French, Serbian and Eastern European oak barrels in which our White Label wines are aged a minimum of 18 months and our Reserves a minimum of 24 months.


Meaning, origin and history of the name Alexander

aleksander os

Other notable bearers include English poet Alexander Pope 1688-1744 , American statesman Alexander Hamilton 1755-1804 , Scottish-Canadian explorer Sir Alexander MacKenzie 1764-1820 , Russian poet Alexander Pushkin 1799-1837 , and Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922 , the Scottish-Canadian-American inventor of the telephone. Due to his fame, and later medieval tales involving him, use of his name spread throughout Europe. After bottling, the wine is aged in bottles for a minimum of 10 months prior to release. . Goran Bjekovic Feature On The Winemakers Series Podcast Learn about our story and passion for wine from the words of our Winemaker Goran Bjekovic. Both labels are full bodied and aromatic, perfectly balanced with rich, dark fruit and a silky tannin texture.


Osnovna škola Aleksandar

aleksander os

In Greek this was another name of the hero , and it also belongs to several characters in the. In this podcast featured on Cellar Media's The Winemaker's Series, you get a behind the scenes insight into how the story of Aleksander began. . . . . .


Category:Alexander Os

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Aleksander Wine

aleksander os

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Meaning, origin and history of the name Alexander

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Aleksander Wine

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Category:Alexander Os

aleksander os

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