Apple keynote 2018. Apple event 2018: 3 new iPhones, new watch, not much else 2020-01-04

Apple Keynote 2018: iPhone rumors you need to see » Gadget Flow

apple keynote 2018

I can just tap and get, oh, yeah, a cute little baby, wasn't I? So, I think I'm going to add a little resistance to this workout here and work to earn as many points as possible and move ahead of Jay by the time this demo is done. And we've our very own friendly little ghost. Although tempting, one may look at but not touch the mane. So, first, I'm super excited to show you how easy it is to start a workout with GymKit. The feeding frenzy at the great gathering. News shines on the iPad. You can easily make or receive a phone call, and you can hear the emotion and tone at the other end of the voice as you talk in real time.


Apple keynote 2018: all the news from the iPhone announcement

apple keynote 2018

I'm am so stoked to show you Siri Shortcuts. That's why, together with you, the developer community, we're working hard to provide new and better experiences for our customers to help them live a better day. But wouldn't it be great if we could take things even further? This isn't even the first. Your desktop wallpaper can be set to change over the course of a day too — new Apple-designed options of, say, a desert panorama, will change from morning through to noon, evening and the dead of night as time in your local location changes. You can stream 48 million songs on your wrist with Apple, or you can listen to automatically synced and created play lists. And it looks like Shortcuts is a few steps ahead of me.


Apple event 2018: 3 new iPhones, new watch, not much else

apple keynote 2018

That is a really quick look at some of our app dates, and Craig, back to you. You get a summary of the time you're spending in apps, how much time you're spending, how often per hour you're picking up your phone and what's drawing you in and what apps are sending you the most notifications. The third device will be a slightly more affordable 6. The passwords list will flag reused passwords, too. So, all these new features, activity competitions, the new yoga and hiking workout, new features for runners and automatic workout detection are all enabling you to more accurately track your workouts and stay motivated while you do. Let me show you interactive notifications because I have a dinner reservation tonight that I made through Yelp.


WWDC 2018 Keynote

apple keynote 2018

Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night, and you look at your phone, maybe just to check the time, and you're confronted with something like this, a barrage of notifications that spin you up and keep you from falling back asleep. And they actually burned 2. Like say you're running late for a meeting, well Siri will suggest you text the meeting organizer. But we wanted to make Siri able to do much more for you, and we're doing that by taking advantage of the power of apps with a new feature we call Shortcuts. I sent a message to Cheryl. And we've even unlocked a new item for our collection. Their phone searches their libraries for other photos they took at that event and suggest that they share them back to you, so you both can end up with a full set.


Apple Keynote 2018: iPhone rumors you need to see » Gadget Flow

apple keynote 2018

So your Apple Watch will now offer to start tracking your workout if it senses that you're beginning one. Do Not Disturb: Choose a bedtime, and your display will dim and silence notifications until you unlock your phone the next day. Welcome back, let's go on an adventure. You know, iPhone and iPad are some of the most powerful tools ever created for learning, exploring, and keeping in touch, but some apps demand more of our attention than we might even realize. In 2014, we got several new iPads and the 5K iMac.


Apple WWDC 2018: what's new? All the announcements from the keynote

apple keynote 2018

Stocks is coming to iPad too, for all that big-screen stock action you've been craving all these years. Oh, that doesn't look too good. Apple Watch grew 60 percent last year. Your creativity and hard work have made the App Store the best place to get the very best apps. Could Apple be slowly distancing itself from that iconic 'i' branding? Please at least provide a way to delete a downloaded video. Podcasts: Yep, the podcasts app is coming to Apple Watch. Just look at these letters, symbols, formulas, and mumbled jargon.


WWDC 2018: Everything Apple announced at its big keynote presentation

apple keynote 2018

It looks like he's informing me that he's bought our dog, Ferdinand, yet another tiny dog hat. So now you have even more choices when you use Car Play. I've got some great stuff to show you that I think you're really going to love, and the bonus is, I get to work on closing my rings while I do it. You earn one point for each percent of a ring that you close. You can search for places by business name.


‎WWDC on the App Store

apple keynote 2018

I will add a bank over here. And when you think about this, it's quite a strong signal when you raise your wrist and talk to your watch. Looking forward to that, Tim. Very nice, I like it. We've got a new cat in town, our tiger.


Apple keynote 2018: all the news from the iPhone announcement

apple keynote 2018

So I've selected a skin color, and now I'm trying to figure out just the right amount of freckles. . Now-- Now there are sometimes when you forget to start a workout on watch, but you've started working out, and to solve this now, we're adding automatic workout detection. Or, stay in touch when your phone might not be easily available to you. I also want to show you how you can add a shortcut to Siri. Search has powerful object and scene recognition.


WWDC 2018: Everything Apple announced at its big keynote presentation

apple keynote 2018

And with a world as rich and as immersive as this, who wouldn't want to play? Now, Notifications help keep us informed and connected to important things that happen throughout the day, and we'd like to give you more control over how many notifications you receive, and so we're enabling what we call Instant Tuning for Notifications right from the lock screen. Notifications will be grouped together by app, and you can instantly choose to have notifications for particular apps delviered silently. Now, this is also in sync across your iPhone and iPad, so your limits apply to your total usage. So we're introducing a new app, and it's called Measure. You can now search for multiple search terms like surfing and vacation and even get suggestions for additional search terms to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Thank you very much everybody. Just getting excited scrolling through here.
