Operator Our next question comes from Ernesto Gabilondo with Bank of America. It's in the spirit that a key part of our success in growing the retail loan book has been our focus of continually improving customer experience while providing them with superior products and service channels that they demand. So, all in all, we should be in the average levels that we had in the first quarter and the second quarter and in terms of treasury and revenues. Banco de Chile Bank Hours Business hours These are the bank hours for Banco de Chile. And we continue to see important increases in usage rates in mobile banking where nearly 60% of customers are using these alternatives.
Currently, we have three main projects occurring simultaneously at Banco de Chile. Esto optimizará la creación, gestión y tracking de los procesos internos de tu Empresa y permitirá al Banco realizar un delivery ajustado a normativas y protocolos de seguridad en procesos de gestión y respuesta ágil. So, basically, the new service branch model is focused on improving customer experience and by implementing self-service machines that will also reduce operating expenses, improve productivity, and, at the same time, also improves customer experience at the branch. In terms of coverage, we lead the industry with a level close to two times while our main competition only has levels of around 1. Finally, we increased our free flows this quarter by 60% reaching a level of 44%. These were mainly driven from the retail segment products and services.
Si es posible, por favor adjunta lo siguiente: Rut, número de teléfono de imagen de lo que visualizas ¡Saludos! Finally, our monetary policy will stay the rate cuts to continue in the future. So, why do you think your three new projects will be enough to remain competitive? And that comes from -- again, sorry -- from the upfront payment? Pablo Mejia -- Head of Investor Relations In regards to their question about expenses, similar to how we showed in the slide, I think it's important to mention that recurring expenses for the year should grow slightly above inflation. De exemplu, când căutați un film, utilizăm informațiile dvs. La venta de pasajes, servicios aéreos, beneficios en aeropuerto y a bordo del avión son responsabilidad de cada aerolínea sujetos a factibilidad logística de cada aeropuerto. Image source: The Motley Fool. Actually, we expect the impact to be much lower than the levels that have been reported by our peers in the industry.
Pablo Mejia -- Head of Investor Relations Thank you for listening to our call. And hopefully, this will translate into greater trading revenues in the future. We have inflation rates remaining below the central bank target, which is consistent with expansionary multi-policy. De manera opcional —y al igual que las Transferencias—, se pueden agregar las funciones Liberar Pagos y Pagos Express. We also observed a weak expansion in the rest of the economy.
Routing numbers to Banco de Chile in Miami are collected manually from the banks official website or provided by the Federal Reserve Financial Services Database. Please go to slide No. Three key changes of this model are first, we are continuing to optimize the branch network by combining some credit Chile branches into Banco de Chile locations in order to improve for activity and customer experience. Alonso Garcia -- Credit Suisse -- Analyst Thank you. More than 70% of the additional expenses this quarter were related to these initiatives while only 5.
The retail segment continues to be the driving force behind these figures rising 11. . Ernesto Gabilondo -- Bank of America Merrill Lynch -- Analyst Okay. Therefore, as of June 2018, the total net income was 1,383 billion Chilean pesos representing that 8% increase in comparison to the first semester of 2018. As Chile is a country with the highest integration into the global economy, not only in Latin but also among many countries, the evolution of the credit conditions has a good impact on our economy. What was the adjustment that you made that we can see lower expenses from fees? We're not expecting a large material effect that would really impact our bottom line.
After my presentation, Pablo Mejia, our head of investor relations will provide a deep analysis of the financial results posted by our bank during the second quarter. So, in the next two or three years, perhaps we will have a more neutral interest rate with high inflation rate. Rodrigo Aravena -- Chief Economist and Senior Vice President-Institutional Relations One second please, Jason. Operator This concludes today's presentation. Promoción 3x2 válida todos los martes de enero de 2020 o hasta agotar stock de 2.
And in the coming years, we'll be implementing these changes across the bank. Sebastian Gallego -- CrediCorp Capital -- Analyst All right. As a result, we have continued to work diligently to continue implementing new products and service tools and automate processes in order to digitally transform Banco de Chile by means of a comprehensive front to back of all processes involved in our operations. Ahora ahorrarás tiempo al revisar tus productos, transacciones, pagos y podrás gestionar de una manera sencilla tus inversiones. El usuario puede descargar tanto los movimientos Facturados como los No Facturados de la Tarjeta Nacional e Internacional.