Bb krisu ig. Full text of River Falls (MN) 2019-12-10

Full text of River Falls (MN)

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In addition, it Is felt that the driver's physical condition might be a factor In this predicament, be It the result of drink, diabetes. September and Scott Hemmcstvedt and Bobbi Jo Opdahl. Pastor Joe Dillon, Intern Sunday. Alban's Episcopal Church Carnegie Library Bldg. Norwegian dklwund and collie cross. Kristian pyytää anteeksi, että on korottanut ääntään, mutta häntä ainakin vituttaa yks kaks tällainen varsinkin ihmiseltä, joka on sanonut itse, miten asiat pitää hoitaa. Art Frofland, John, Neuben a«d Orville Ssrenson -were Christmas day dmner guests at the home of Mr.



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John Lutheran church, who hosted the monthly birthday party. She received many nice cords and gifts and o- dellclous luncheon was served and a soclslallemooniwis spent. Lowell Troch- mann of Thief River Falls'Mrere the Norris Trochmarst Mr and Mrs. Kenny EngluBd, and Tommy of ThM Rtvar raJstMr. Neubeck, a former president of lbs American association of marriage counselors and the ,i m. Green of the Lyle D.


Full text of River Falls (MN)

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Gene Lcgg and Dale Taigland of Thief River Falls, spent Christmas Day as guests of the Wayne Hannon family at Iho Grand, Forks Air Base. Roger Solcm was a Saturday. Irwin Johnson and Nell had attended he football banquet at the school cafeteria following the end of the season. Mable Anderson and Lcruy of Warren. Donald Johnson was best man for Ns brother, while Jim was an usher. Paul Fish, formerly of Halms.


Keskustelua livetapahtumista

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A tape recordtogWai made for Keith James who b stationed-m Alaska. Inhns Mr a Alvi , Mi. Bruce Larson and family of Rosevlllc visited Christ mat Day at his mothers, Mrs. Ifid at the national foard ar- 'Approximately 3. Angela llakken to Warren to see Mrs. Jukka rauhoittelee, että kyllähän Tarina tietää Krisun, millainen se on välillä, ei siitä kannata ehkä liikaa mieltään pahoittaa.


Nail Polish Storage and Collection 2.0

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Jarvis Torgerson, Mike, Debbie and Lisa were Christmas Eve supper guests at the John Uggerud name in Thief River Falls. Human Interest Pages of the Times were filled with articles or human Interest and stories about honors and accomplishments oO local dlizens. Lois Mead, Lome and John of Shakopco. Cnll «ll- 41199 ufler 4 p. Walter and Maxinc have been In the business for about three years.


Nail Polish Storage and Collection 2.0

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Gary Aandal, Tracy and Travis and Mr. Wayne Ldning and family, Mn. Rather than attempting to separate Individual major stories, we feel the top news rtories of the year should be mm mar Lied under the five categories listed. Carl Popeniusa of East Syracuse, N. Taxing the automobile, which Is the means most use to reach the parks and one of the msln causes for the Increased needs, seemed to be a fair solution. Prefer a Schwinn or other well known brand name. Donald Rup- ' preeht and Daryl were among those who~helped Mrs.


Nail Polish Storage and Collection 2.0

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Steve 1 HjeHe, Randy and Mary Beth Sk- jcrven. Ross Solncy and Jennifer Bulger ore all high school freshmen this year and moved ovcr'to the Lincoln high' school building. Kalhy's, Sandra Fish, of partake of the Lord's supper. T'Ouest speaker-will be Dennis Roland, M. This custom -designeo, hand-' made quilt was commissioned by thcbankasasaluteto the state of Minnesota on the occasion of the honk's centennial In 1971. Irvin Larson ami Donna of Strandaulst, Mr.



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Following the baptism service Mr. Richard Neb on and family of Rochester, Mn. Vernon Sorenaon called on Mrs. A- Zacharios and Hjalmer Udatrand- 03 guests on December 23. Alex Krohn and Susan of Williams.
