Charlotte corday. Charlotte Corday (TV Movie 2008) 2019-11-24

Charlotte Corday (TV Movie 2008)

charlotte corday

Yes, and why are we spending time on removal of names or wikipediazing them instead of putting real meat on the subject, like having a translation of the following text in the article, instead of stupid trivia on the color of her hair? Possible linkspam: User seems to have been adding a bunch of links to one site:. And if you do not agree with the community, do not mention it. I see no reason why Corday's skull shouldn't be mentioned, as long as its use is put into the correct perspective. In 1793, she was executed by for the assassination of leader , who was in part responsible for the more radical course the Revolution had taken through his role as a politician and journalist. Is this is what being serious means in the Wikipedia? The Girondists article doesn't mention this either. The whole section is based on a rumour and, even if it was true, it has no importance in Charlotte Corday's role in the French Revolution.


Talk:Charlotte Corday

charlotte corday

She admired their speeches and grew fond of many of the Girondist groups whom she met while living in Caen. Charlotte Corday in Text and Image: A Case Study in the French Revolution and Women's History. And it is unlikely that Charlotte Corday drank coffee. He called out: Aidez-moi, ma chĂšre amie! This section has gotten out of hand. The direct consequence of her crime were opposite to what she expected: The assassination did not stop the Jacobins or the Terror, which intensified after the murder. She respected the political principles of the Girondins and came to align herself with their thinking.


Charlotte Corday: Assassin of Marat

charlotte corday

I now a little about these things. Je veux que mon dernier soupir soit utile Ă  mes concitoyens, que ma tĂȘte portĂ©e dans Paris soit un signe de ralliement pour tous les amis des lois! They opposed the Montagnards, who advocated a more radical approach to the revolution, which included the extreme idea that the only way the revolution would survive invasion and civil war was through terrorizing and executing those opposed to it. The French had such massive problems that I do not think that promoting women's rights was a big priority. « Mes parents et mes amis ne doivent point ĂȘtre inquiĂ©tĂ©s, personne ne savait mes projets. So is it better to be consistent with the manual of style or with sister Wikipedia's? This article has been rated as Low-importance on the project's.


Talk:Charlotte Corday

charlotte corday

You quote the article on Robert Dudley, saying: The example is not mine. The main character is a photographer for the Society. But style has no influence on meaning, that is why I included an example of people who did not even grasp basic idea's. She went to Marat's home before noon on 13 July, claiming to have knowledge of a planned Girondist uprising in ; she was turned away by Catherine Evrard, the sister of Marat's fiancée Simonne. The following discussion has been closed. At a quick read, it looks like historical fiction.


Charlotte Corday

charlotte corday

Many contributors add information that is important, even though an administrator or editor may not think so. If a new article is published, however short, it can sometimes be edited by three different administrators within the hour, leaving practically nothing. His murder was depicted in the painting by , which shows Marat's dead body after Corday had stabbed him in his medicinal bath. Commissaire Guellard as Jean Luc Epallle. Even some figures known for their relationship with a more significant person, such as , are referred to by their last name in the case of de Vaudey, it could be due to the fact that she did not share her last name with a a more famous relative.


Talk:Charlotte Corday

charlotte corday

In response to Marat's dying shout, Simonne Evrard rushed into the room. Unless, of course, and hundreds of others did not live before the 20th century. Please do not modify it. All that is told true, and is often ignored of the public, but simply treated with much humour. When taught history at school, we were led to believe that the French were not necessarily against the monarchy but that the French poor had such massive problems that something had to be done. Some of the readers do not understand the difference between a mistress, a lover and a prostitute. I gave it about 2 minutes and couldn't be sure.


Talk:Charlotte Corday

charlotte corday

As late as 1880 's skull was exhumed and craniometrically examined. In the book that is mentioned Corday is named Charlotte Corday on pages 181, 182, 183, 185 and 186. This arm seems much larger than it should be and it could even be a right arm! This is the moment memorialized by 's painting. Could you please explain to me how the difference between a mistress, a lover and a prostitute is relevant to the Corday vs. Women during that time had specific roles, and her stance changed some views. Corday's notion that she was saving a hundred thousand lives echoes this Girondin sentiment as they attempted to slow the revolution and reverse the violence that had escalated since the of 1792. I think sincerely that these bonds, not only do not withdraw anything with quality articles, but can give a new and different approach to the manner of approaching them.


Talk:Charlotte Corday

charlotte corday

Should you wish to do this again, please date your question. This article has been rated as B-Class on the project's. Corday's act transformed the idea of what a woman was capable of, and to those who did not shun her for her act, she was a heroine. She credited her fatal knifing of Marat with one blow not to practicing in advance but to luck. Common sense says to call Marie-Anne Charlotte de Corday d'Armont just plain old Charlotte Corday. And we, vile eunuchs, a cowardly herd without a soul, We know how to repeat a few complaints from a woman, But the iron would be heavy in our feeble hands.
