Crna macka beli macor ceo film. Crna mačka beli mačor 2019-11-23

Crna macka, beli macor

Crna macka beli macor ceo film

Zare je, opet, zaljubljen u Idu, siromašnu devojku iz komšiluka koja živi sa svojom babom. Writers: Emir Kusturica, Gordan Mihic. Even the smaller roles don't make the movie fall out of place. Matko sklapa dogovor sa lokalnim kriminalcem Dadanom, kojem duguje novac. It is one of the few movies in a decade that you can call genius work. Tokom priprema svadbe, Zaretov voljeni deda umire, međutim ni to neće sprečiti Dadana i Matka da organizuju svadbu. Bubamara je dosta starija od Zareta i ne želi da se uda jer čeka princa na belom konju kojeg je navodno sanjala i sigurna je da će ga prepoznati kada se napokon sretnu.


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Crna macka beli macor ceo film

And that is exactly what this film does for me - I have not had as much fun in ages. Kako u većini svojih ostvarenja tako i u ovom, Kusturica ruši neke predrasude. Well, there's this gypsy, a minor black marketeer, and his teenage son dealing with the cargo ships that drift down the river where they live. And then there's the two dead grandfathers, on ice up in the attic so they won't disrupt the wedding. Vibrant, and colorful, this master director's latest masterpiece turns cliche' into new fresh entertainment. Igrom sudbine Bubamara nailazi na ljubav svog života, u telu revolveraša dugajlije koji voli veoma male žene. But the plot is largely unimportant in a film of this type.


Crna mačka, beli mačor (Black Cat, White Cat, 1998)

Crna macka beli macor ceo film

I may not spend much time reviewing other movies but this one is worth writing a few words. This is a gangster film with lively, exaggerated characters, excentric men and resolute women, a weird plot and many visual gags. Much faster paced, this work of art leaves no time to contemplate but urges the viewer to follow the stream like story line, bringing forward all the aspects of the society of the nomads. The sublime goofiness of this movie is hard to describe; you really must see it for yourself. Besides the comedy part, it is a typical Kusturica movie. Zare i Ida, jedni od glavnih likova, Foto: tumbrl. You can see a enormous pig eating a car, a joyfull band playing music attach to a tree, a man washing is body with a white duck.


Чёрная кошкa, белый кот (1998)

Crna macka beli macor ceo film

Režiser filma je Emir Kusturica,a scenario potpisuju Gordan Mihić i Emir Kusturica. Kusturica is a master of his craft. This movie is a mix of Marx Brothers, Jacques Tati, Monty Python-set in a world of gypsies and mobsters living on the Danube--with the Wrong Box, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and My Big Fat Balkan Wedding thrown in for good measure. However, Zare is in love with Ida, a barmaid who works in an establishment run by her Roma grandmother Sujka, and Afrodita is waiting for the man of her dreams. The events that place in Black Cat White Cat are ridiculous and sometimes unreal. It is art, for the only pleasure of conveying beauty and emotions.


Чёрная кошкa, белый кот (1998)

Crna macka beli macor ceo film

Na slici je zapravo Bora Todorović otac glumca Srđana Todorovića koji glumi Dadana. This type of music was just a must to bring over the lifestyle of Balkan-people, and secondly, it adds a sort a speed that fits with the hyperactive events that take place. So is this my favorite film? Few films just simply fascinate me. The beauty of the chaotic and very non-Pasteurized world of these kooky gypsies and country folk was unexpectedly stunning. Črna mačka, beli mačkon, Black Cat White Cat, cel film s srbskimi podnapisi.


Crna mačka, beli mačor (Black Cat, White Cat, 1998)

Crna macka beli macor ceo film

The plot is complex as there are many people involved. His harem and cronies desert him, and as he tries to clean himself off on a goose, only Matko remains loyal, and he provides Dadan with a shower from the garden hose. This film, apart from providing quite a few slap-stick laughs also delivers some visual jewels. And yet the film is beautifully balanced, never falling into outright lunacy or losing the plot. How am I supposed to say what is my favorite body part? Ida and Sujka provide the catering for the wedding, and Ida is upset at seeing her beloved married to someone else.


,,Crna mačka beli film koji će vas uvek nasmejati

Crna macka beli macor ceo film

It make us discover a not very known culture: the tsigan culture which is very interesting and where music is very important. A wicked double-cross takes place and the teenage son must marry the dwarf to save the father. The old gangster forces Dadan, who had once worked for him, to accept the match. Zaretov otac Matko je pasionirani kockar, od ove njegove strasti zaradio je samo dug prema lokalnom kriminalcu Dadanu. The sunflower field scene with the two young lovers frolicking with joyful abandon is one of the most memorable ones and perhaps a simple summary of what I found this movie to be: One full of colours, energy, and a sense of happy carefree existence in a world where rules are only written as need be, all accompanied by an inebriating gypsy soundtrack.


,,Crna mačka beli film koji će vas uvek nasmejati

Crna macka beli macor ceo film

What we cannot seem to agree on, is when a good film touches our hearts. Everybody runs or jumps or dances. There are situations that are unbelievable and dreamlike, yet they are told in a very honest and sincere way that you believe them. So I battled in my mind. They haven't aged much in 12 years.


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Crna macka beli macor ceo film

Influences from hindu, middle eastern, balkanic and latin cultures are absorbed into the sponge of the gypsy spirituality, one of the last ones to reach fulfillment by just singing and dancing. Osvojio je i mnoge nagrade: Srebrni medved, Srebrni lav, Zlatna palma, Zlatni kentuar, i mnoge druge. Nešto poznatija imena su Srđan Todorović, koji se kao i uvek odlično snašao u ulozi nervoznog kriminalca Dadana, i Branka Katić koja glumi Idu, devojku nesrećno zaljubljenu u Zareta. Prica prati mladi zaljubljeni par Zareta i Idu i njihove nevolje, kada zarad jednog posla, Zaretov otac i lokalni gangster Dadan ugovore nezeljeni brak, izmedju Zareta i Bubamare, gangsterove sestre, koja ga ni sama ne zeli. However, the two corpses soon both come back to life; they were not dead after all. All in all, one of the best movies I've ever seen and I highly recommend it to everyone who's eager read between the lines.
