Diskus fisk. Discus (fish) 2020-01-22

Discus Fish for Sale: Buy Best Discus Fish at Discus Co.

diskus fisk

During the first two weeks, the parents stay near their young allowing them to feed easily. Baby and Juvenile Discus Sale Our 2 inch baby is healthiest and cheaper than anywhere else in the U. Pictured are a group of red discus, one of the two species of pompadour fish. Heckel, 1840 Species See text Symphysodon, colloquially known as discus, is a of native to the in South America. The three species of Symphysodon have different geographic distributions. Some hybridisation occurs or has occurred between the brown discus and neighbouring forms, but overall they maintain their separate evolutionary trajectories. Additionally, adult discus produce a through their skin, which the live off during their first four weeks.


Discus Fish for Sale: Buy Best Discus Fish at Discus Co.

diskus fisk

They do not do as well with larger or more aggressive fish, such as. In the present day, a significant number of discus live in fish farms in southeast Asia. Each year the World Discus Competition takes place in , China. In home aquariums, discus live for an average of 10 years, but can live up to 15 years, and can grow up to 8 inches. They are considered difficult to keep, and require regular large water changes, a school of other discus, and slightly acidic water. Other sub species have been proposed, but data unlike in , the freshwater angelfish varies as much between individuals from one location as across the whole range of all discus fish species. Sexual maturity is reached in one year.


Discus (fish)

diskus fisk

Buy live tropical discus fish from our online store and save money! Based on sequences, the captive variants popularly known as turquoise, pigeon, ghost, cobalt and solid red are derived from wild green, blue and brown discus not Heckel discus. The North American Discus Association focuses on supporting both hobbyists and helping to support wild discus. Like many fish in the home aquarium, they will eat almost anything that fits within their mouth, something that needs to be taken into account when stocking the aquarium. Discus typically reach up to 12. Archived from on March 7, 2009. Alenquer, Heckels, Wild Greens, Cuipeua, Nhamunda and their crosses! Fish that mix well with them include , , and other fish that hail from similar regions and water conditions as them.


Discus (fish)

diskus fisk

Browse our online discus fish store for juvenile and baby discus fish. Symphysodon discus Discus are fish from the genus Symphysodon, which currently includes the species S. These discus go to home aquariums around the world. In contrast to Pterophyllum, however, extended finnage is absent giving Symphysodon a more rounded shape. We provide aquarium stores and local businesses with the best pricing in the market. This parent-to-offspring transmission of important microorganisms might explain the high survival rate of discus fry raised with their parents, compared to the low survival rate of progenies raised artificially by Discus fish breeders e.


Discus Fish for Sale: Buy Best Discus Fish at Discus Co.

diskus fisk

The Xingu group currently , but it is possible that the correct name for the blue is S. Discus Breeding Pairs for Sale We sell young breeding pairs of discus for their individual prices, so you can purchase healthy and high quality pairs in different strains and colors for great prices! Because of their preference for habitats such as floodplains and , whitewater inhabited by discus contain little suspended material unlike main sections of whitewater rivers. Their assigning of scientific names to species differed to some extent from that used by earlier authors: Heckel S. They are sometimes referred to as pompadour fish. There is no clear for this fish, but males may reach a larger size than females. Invertebrates can make up 38% of the stomach content in wild S. This taxonomy with four described valid species, S.


Discus (fish)

diskus fisk

International Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Wholesaling Discus Fish For getting discus at wholesale price contact us today! Archived from on 6 November 2011. Due to their distinctive shape, behavior, and bright colors and patterns, discus are popular as freshwater fish, and their in several countries in Asia is a major industry. Adults generally weigh 150—250 g 5. Discus Fish for Sale at Discus Co. When breeding, the pair moves away from the group, possibly to reduce the risk of of the young.


Discus (fish)

diskus fisk

Discus Fish For Sale DiscusGuy. We only sell cheap assorted baby discus fish on eBay and for other sizes as well as breeding pairs please visit our online store. . They recognized them as and species. The in far western Amazonas is outside the native range; discus in this river were from stock originating in the area by an aquarium exporter more than 30 years ago. In contrast the distribution of S. As for most cichlids, brood care is highly developed with both the parents caring for the young.


Discus Fish for Sale: Buy Best Discus Fish at Discus Co.

diskus fisk

Some of the more brightly marked variants are the result of selective breeding by and do not exist in the wild. In addition to the wild discus, several captive variants achieved by exist. Wild and Hybrid Discus Fish for Sale Wild and hybrid crosses are another type of discus we provide our customers with! In breeding form varieties, solid red discus red melon, red cover females are generally redder than males. A review published in 2007 largely came to the same result, but differed in , as the species called S. Symphysodon primarily feed on , other plant material and , but also eat small.


Discus (fish)

diskus fisk

Recent research have shown that, through this unique parental care behaviour Discus parents feeding their progeny with skin mucus , Discus fish parents transmit key microorganisms to their fry. Further arguments have been made that S. Although rare in fish, more than 30 species of cichlids are known to feed their young with skin secretion to various extent, including and species. The sides of the fish are frequently patterned in shades of green, red, brown, and blue. Unlike more predatory cichlids, Symphysodon have relatively long typical of a or. Due to their size and requirements for tankmates, they often require a minimum 55—75 gallon aquarium, which means that setting up a discus aquarium requires attention to the ability of the floor to support weight. .
