Dominant synonym. Dominated Synonyms, Dominated Antonyms 2020-01-22

Dominated Synonyms, Dominated Antonyms

dominant synonym

Her tone was dominated by the desire to be calm, and get at his real feeling. He dominated the forest, the secular gloom, the old mankind. He looked like a man who all his life had dominated not only other men, but himself. She dominated all her friends on the ground of a former intimacy with the Emperor. . More to the left arose the Serre de Julos, dominated by the Miramont. He was very slow about it; but I dominated my nervousness sufficiently not to shout after him.


Dominated Synonyms, Dominated Antonyms

dominant synonym

Do you agree, then, that we must hold aloof from every one so dominated? Only expectation, and eagerness to get at the Tories dominated them. De Launay dominated her, and she stood as rigid as a statue, awaiting the cataclysm. All other sounds were dominated by the monotonous shouts of the gondoliers. . . . .


Dominance Synonyms & Antonyms

dominant synonym

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Dominated Synonyms, Dominated Antonyms

dominant synonym

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Dominance Synonyms & Antonyms

dominant synonym

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Dominated Synonyms, Dominated Antonyms

dominant synonym

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Dominated Synonyms, Dominated Antonyms

dominant synonym

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Dominated Synonyms, Dominated Antonyms

dominant synonym

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Dominance Synonyms & Antonyms

dominant synonym

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