Downtown trondheim. THE 10 BEST Downtown Trondheim Hotels 2019-12-02

THE 10 BEST Restaurants in Trondheim

downtown trondheim

The driving time from Oslo is also about 7 hours. The driver will inform you about the location of your hotel ask him. However, the taxi alternative is really only recommended if you are going somewhere outside downtown e. A taxi costs about 150 kr. . How to get from downtown Trondheim to the campus is about 2 km south of the downtown Trondheim.


THE 10 BEST Restaurants in Trondheim

downtown trondheim

The street address is Sem Selands vei 4 where Sem Sælands vei crosses Høgskoleringen Bus no. Alternatively, you may prebook a shared taxi by calling +47-7350 5006 or +47-7350 5073. Some possibilities in different price ranges are all located in the center of Trondheim, except otherwise stated. There is a bus service to Trondheim for each arriving flight which takes you the city center and the hotels and a return service from Trondheim every 15 min. How to get from the airport to downtown Trondheim The airport is located about 30 km north of Trondheim. The most common way to get to Trondheim is via Oslo by plane 50 min.


THE 10 BEST Downtown Trondheim Hotels

downtown trondheim

There are also several daily trains from Oslo, but the travel time is more than 7 hours. Some hotels in Trondheim There are many hotels in Trondheim, but none directly on the University campus. There is also another airport bus Vaernes-ekspressen, www. There are about 20 flights in each direction each day! How to get to Trondheim Getting to Trondheim and the Department of Chemical Engineering Getting to Trondheim Trondheim is located in the middle of Norway about 500 km north of the capital Oslo. It takes about 20-25 minutes to walk up there.


THE 10 BEST Restaurants in Trondheim

downtown trondheim

However, you may try to negotiate a better price - in particular if you find a taxi with a U not V on the roof. . . . . .


How to get to Trondheim

downtown trondheim

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THE 10 BEST Downtown Trondheim Hotels

downtown trondheim

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THE 10 BEST Downtown Trondheim Hotels

downtown trondheim

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THE 10 BEST Downtown Trondheim Hotels

downtown trondheim

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THE 10 BEST Restaurants in Trondheim

downtown trondheim

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How to get to Trondheim

downtown trondheim

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