Equinor aksjer. Selskapspresentasjon av Equinor 2019-12-25


equinor aksjer

The Norwegian Government, the biggest shareholder in both Statoil and Norsk Hydro, holds 67% of the company. Dette ville ikke være mulig uten oljeselskapenes medvirkning. Det er da de bør høste gevinsten. On 7 April 2010, Statoil announced finding oil and gas reserves in the Fossekall prospect just north of the in the Norwegian Sea. In September 2007, Statoil and the Brazilian oil company signed a deal aimed at expanding exploration, sub-sea, and cooperation. Vi har hatt besøk av Equinor. Listeført Han skriver at styret og et fåtall ansatte i Equinor ble listeført for å ha konfidensiell informasjon etter hvert som de ble informert om arbeidet med et mulig tilbakekjøpsprogram.



equinor aksjer

Før du investerer i et fond bør du lese prospektet som er tilgjengelig hos fondsforvalter og nøkkelinformasjonen du finner på ordreleggingssiden og på fondets produktside på nordnet. Investor relations kontakt i selskapet, Lars Valdresbråten, ga oss en grundig «Business Update» av Equinor per september 2019. The Statoil classical music award has been awarded since 1999. Økt utbytte etter driftsforbedringer Lars Christian Bacher, Equinors konserndirektør for økonomi og finans, peker på bedringer i driften som bakgrunn for økte utbytter. Men: «Det konkrete programmet og størrelsen på dette ble besluttet umiddelbart forut for annonseringen.


Equinor bruker 45 milliarder på egne aksjer

equinor aksjer

It is the ninth largest oil company in the world, and would be the 48th largest company in the world on the current list with a revenue of 480 billion. «Fra samme tidspunkt ble innsiderliste etter Verdipapirhandelloven ført. Prioriterer utbetaling av kapital Første del av tilbakekjøpet vil være på rundt 1,5 milliarder dollar. Under the agreement Statoil became a partner on six offshore licenses, as well as expanding biofuels production. To reflect a merger of the two companies and with regards of the minor partner, Hydro, it was decided that the joint company should be given a new name.


Equinor bruker 45 milliarder på egne aksjer

equinor aksjer

In June 2014 Statoil announced it had completed a 12 months exploration program of its Castberg license project in the Arctic and less-than-expected reserves had been proved up. Det starter torsdag og vil vare frem til senest februar 2020. Børsen bør umiddelbart sende en melding til Finanstilsynet, og så vil en etterforskning her vise om det har skjedd noe galt eller ikke. In the 1980s Statoil decided to become a fully integrated petroleum company and started building the fuel station brand. Much economic research show that while natural resources are positive for nations with sound political structures, as Norway, they are negative for nations with unsound political structures, and will despite the riches result in a lower economic growth. It partnered with Gazprom and Total on the Shtokman project in the Barents Sea, but this was shelved due to high costs and low gas prices. Selskapet kunngjorde nemlig at de ville kjøpe tilbake aksjer i sitt eget selskap for inntil 5 milliarder dollar, svimlende 45 milliarder kroner.



equinor aksjer

The company is headquartered and led from Stavanger, while most of their international operations are currently led from. A merger proposal was announced in December 2006. The service station chain was sold in 2006 to. Siden 2010 Han skriver i en epost at siden 2010 har generalforsamlingen i Equinor gitt en årlig fullmakt til tilbakekjøp av aksjer. This was mainly achieved by hiring the services of Horton Investments, an Iranian consultancy firm owned by Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani, son of former Iranian President. Å handle aksjer i eget selskap på denne måten, er kilden til all slags mulig forvirring og mistanker, sier han.


Equinor ASA: Tilbakekjøp av egne aksjer Oslo Stock Exchange:EQNR

equinor aksjer

Glad Pedersen viser til at Equinors mulighet for tilbakekjøp av aksjer, er beskrevet på nettsidene. Formuleringen av vedtaket har i denne perioden vært tilnærmet uendret og følger av lovkrav. In total Statoil had about 2,000 fuel stations. In 2009, Statoil launched the world's first operational deep-water floating large-capacity wind turbine, Hywind. Så vidt jeg kan forstå, er det umulig å for andre å forstå hva det betyr. Nettavisen Økonomi ønsket å få en kommentar fra Equinors styreformann Jon Erik Reinhardsen til disse handlene.


Selskapspresentasjon av Equinor

equinor aksjer

Han skriver videre at beslutningen om iverksettelsen av tilbakekjøpsprogrammet ble tatt på morgenen 5. Når oljeselskapene bidrar til å hente ut ressurser til dårlige regimer, får landet økt konflikt, grabbing og sløsing med mennesker og talent. In the summer of 2005, from were jailed for contempt of court after refusing to obey a temporary court injunction forbidding them to interfere with work being undertaken on their land. The proved recoverable oil resources were provisionally estimated at between 37 and 63 million barrels 5,900,000 and 10,000,000 m 3 , while the volume of associated and free gas was estimated at between 1 and 3 billion standard cubic metres. The refers to the company's use of bribes in in 2002—2003 in an attempt to secure lucrative oil contracts in that country. The current company was formed by the 2007 merger of with the of. Statoil has offices that are looking for possible ventures in the countries of , and the.


Equinor, Aksjer

equinor aksjer

It is a and company with operations in thirty-six countries. The company has about 20,200 employees. As a parliamentary decision in 2001 said it was a goal that the government should own 67% of Statoil, it was announced that the Norwegian government intended to increase its share. Sjefene i Equinor hamstret aksjer i stor stil i slutten av juli og august. Natural gas containing approximately 8. In 2011—2012, Statoil announced a new discovery in the of 0. After the introduction of sanctions against Russia over the conflict in Ukraine, Equinor has kept a much lower public profile on its Russian activities while continuing largely as previously.


Vi skaffer energi til 170 millioner mennesker. Hver dag

equinor aksjer

Til sammenlikning reagerte aksjen minimalt da det for halvannen uke siden ble kjent at Siden 5. Under the rules of the the merger was approved by the on 3 May 2007 and by the on 8 June 2007. An actual new name was not decided upon at the time of the merger, and StatoilHydro was created for temporary usage only. . The company also has processing plants at , , , , and.



equinor aksjer

Han har uttalt til Finansvisen at han ble «» da han leste dette første gang. Glad Pedersen gjentar at de aktuelle personene ikke har hatt informasjon om tilbakekjøpsprogrammet da aksjekjøpene ble gjennomført. Statoil also built up a network of stations in part of Eastern Europe in the 1990s. Statoil was an official sponsor of the that was held in. The company operated three brands of : , , and. Through further privatization in 2004 and 2005 the government's share was reduced to 70,9%.
