Füchtner seiffen. German Nutcrackers by Fuchtner Company in Seiffen Germany 2019-12-18

Kleinkunst aus dem Erzgebirge Mueller GmbH

Füchtner seiffen

Here you will find almost 6,000 examples from all over the world. Nutcrackers King Nutcracker and his Court enjoy a high rank in Erzgebirge folklore. They can be seen as a sly dig at the powers that be. Der Annaberger Bergaltar verknüpfte im frühen 16. Smaller nutcrackers are definitely not designed for this purpose. It is well worth a visit. It lies in the south of the German State Saxonia and is certainly one of most beautiful and most traditional regions.


German Nutcrackers by Fuchtner Company in Seiffen Germany

Füchtner seiffen

It was not until after 1930 that the Seiffen woodworkers produced their own candleholders in this form. In der einstmals tief religiösen Bergbaukultur des Landstrichs trugen schon vor sechshundert Jahren die Bergleute bei den Prozessionen die großen Kerzenleuchter, die indirekt den Weg in die Schwibbögen gefunden haben. Can nutcrackers actually crack nuts? An incense smoker, on the other hand, does not crops up until meantioned for the first time in sample books and price lists from Erzgebirge toy and publishing businesses around 1850. Haustein went independent and founded his own manufacturing tradition in 1858. Wooden Angels and MinersNowhere is this theme more apparent than in the recurring figures of the Erzgebirge Bergmann or miner, and the Angel of Light. German Nutcrackers by Fuchtner Company in Seiffen Germany Wilhelm Fuchtner produced the first Erzgebirge nutcracker of spruce in 1870.


Werkstatt Volker Füchtner

Füchtner seiffen

The basic form has remained largely unchanged over the years: the lathe-turned, hollow body holds an incense cone which, as it slowly burns, releases smoke through the figure's mouth. Turning a need to the virtue, the wood-carving knife and other wood turning tools had to provide for supporting the large families. Gotthelf Friedrich Füchtner, who lived from 1766 to 1844, offered already in 1809 on the Striezelmarkt in Dresden Seiffen toys for sale. The cessation of mining activities in the early 19th century led to an upswing in this popular traditional handicraft. He is signed by Volker Fuechtner who now leads the family business where the nutcracker originated.


The Wooden Wagon: German Christmas Decorations from the Erzgebirge

Füchtner seiffen

The visitors can watch the craftsmen while working and gain valuable insight on the techniques used. Schwibbogen and Candle ArchesOn Christmas Eve, during their Christmas service, the Erzgebirge miners would hang lighted lamps around the arched entrance to the mine. Due to the rough climate the settlement of the Ore Mountains began rather late compared to many other regions in Germany 12 th Century. The German Erzgebirge The Ore Mountains Erzgebirge are a low mountain range in the east of Germany. You were given it when you made a donation for needy families. Today, six generations later, Volker Füchtner honors his great-great-great grandfather by still producing nutcrackers in the old tradition in the very same home workshop--the birthplace of the nutcracker. Mit der orientalischen Figur war man offenbar durch die Weihnachtsgeschichte vertraut.


Incense smokers

Füchtner seiffen

The Nutcracker Museum The first nutcracker museum in Europe can be found in Neuhausen in the Erzgebirge. A true collectible and must-have in every home at Christmas time, and it really cracks nuts!! Auch die Nussknacker-Füchtners waren neben der Familie Haustein bekannt als Räuchermännl-Hersteller. Schornsteinfeger, Bergmänner, Förster, Waldarbeiter, Briefträger, Spielzeugmacher und natürlich der Rastelbinder. The variety seems almost infinite: Here may be found simple ornaments and baroque pyramids, biblical tableaux and scenes from the mining life, angels and chimneysweeps. The candle pyramid's revolving parts are most likely derived from the whims used to draw ore up from the mines. Nowadays the Ore Mountains apart from the folkart are also an attractive holiday region with over 100 cities and villages. Wilhelm Füchtner, der Ur-Urgroßvater des heutigen Inhabers - und der Dritte in der Familientradition, die der Zimmermann Gotthelf Friedrich Füchtner vor mehr als 200 Jahren begründete - ist kein Geringerer als der Erfinder der erzgebirgischen Nussknacker.


Erzgebirge Nutcrackers and Smoking Men Raeuchermaenner at The Wooden Wagon

Füchtner seiffen

Even in our days, nuts serve to decorate the Christmas tree, alongside with apples, gingerbread and sweets. In erster Linie mögen sie Dekoration sein, aber mit ihren Rillen im Unterkiefer und der robusten Bauart zählen sie zu den wenigen erzgebirgischen Nussknackern, die in der Tat die Nuss aufbeißen können - gegen Schrammen im Rachen sind auch sie dann freilich nicht gefeit. If you do this too often, you must accept that they will show signs of use. Fuchtner the family business is in its sixth generation In strict family tradition especially the Nutcracker, but also Smokers and Angel and Miner were continued. The first creators of the incense smokers turned on a lathe who are known by name include Ferdinand Frohs from Heidelberg near Seiffen in the Erzgebirge and his nephew Gotthelf Friedrich Haustein. These candle pyramids were not available commercially until the first years of the 20th century, although they had been produced already for half a century or more.


Fuchtner Nutcrackers

Füchtner seiffen

The original model for this nutcracker was made around 1870 and is now in the museum in Seiffen. They are still fashioned in local workshops just as they were in the past. Mit seiner schwarz-goldenen Krone, der kantigen Nase, dem eleganten Schnauzbart, den roten Wangen und dem imposanten Gebiss ist er dem Prototyp der erzgebirgischen Nussknacker mit großer Detailtreue nachempfunden. These nutcrackers are not mass produced which make them a lot more special and unique. The Seiffener Volkskunst eG runs a workshop that is open to public. Peter Rome was built with sheet copper made in Olbernhau.


Fuchtner Nutcrackers

Füchtner seiffen

Wir verwenden ausschließlich heimische Hölzer und schadstoffarme Lacke und Farben. About 130 individual steps are needed to make one of these figures. Gendarmes, kings, soldiers and hunters were produced, all with very stern expressions. These incense smokers were therefore suitable for larger production in factories. Nussknacker Der Klassiker aus der Werkstatt alter Holzkunst ist natürlich der. Zu dieser Zeit kam die Figur des Räuchermannes auf, als sich das öffentliche Rauchen eingebürgert hatte.
