La venda lyrics. La Venda lyrics by Miki Núñez 2019-12-22

La Venda lyrics by Miki Núñez

la venda lyrics

All rights are reserved for the protected works reproduced on this website. The bandage is gone, so new days will start. You live at high voltage. The bandage is gone, your fantasies are reappearing. You flee, nothing normal is left. The bandage is gone, so new days will start. You sell it, because you have so much of it.


Karaoke La venda

la venda lyrics

Here are the original Spanish lyrics for the song along with an English translation. You feel that you finally got it under control. The bandage is gone, your fantasies are reappearing. All musical material is re-recorded and does not use in any form the original music or original vocals or any feature of the original recording. Without permission, all uses other than home and private use are forbidden.


Marco Antonio Solis

la venda lyrics

You leave because you love yourself. You choose because you found a way to. The bandage is gone, and you will be what you want to be. You live and you care. The bandage is gone, so new days will start. This website respects all music copyrights. The bandage is gone, and you will be what you want to be.


La Venda lyrics by Miki Núñez

la venda lyrics

. You get lost because you found a way to. You pray because you believe. The bandage is gone, your fantasies are reappearing. The bandage is gone, and you will be what you want.


Karaoke La venda

la venda lyrics

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Marco Antonio Solis

la venda lyrics

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la venda lyrics

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Marco Antonio Solis

la venda lyrics

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La Venda lyrics by Miki Núñez

la venda lyrics

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La venda

la venda lyrics

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