Mark hauptmann. Mark Hauptmann 2019-11-25

Mark Hauptmann

Mark hauptmann

Since late 2014, he has also been a member of the city council in Suhl. He is a member of the Committee on Economic and Energy Affairs as well as a substitute member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Regularly, he hosts seminars either as main speaker or organizer in order to allow for young awardees to gain firsthand insights into policy making. With 42,0% of the votes, he won his constituency and became a directly elected Member of the German Bundestag. In 2005, he was elected a board member of Junge Union in the State of Thuringia. Honors and awards Hauptmann is a member of the debate society Jena. Hauptmann worked at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Beijing, China, as well as the Thuringia's State Ministry of Transportation, Construction and Economic Development.


Mark Hauptmann

Mark hauptmann

Since September 2013, he has been Member of Parliament, representing the south of Thuringia in the German Bundestag. With Kairos Communication he also started his own business. . In 2006, he won the German national debate tournament and became vice champion in 2007. Additionally, he became a visiting lecturer to the University of Erfurt 2010 and also to the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena 2011 , where he was teaching political science. He was chairman of the permanent workshop on European and International Affairs. Hauptmann is a member of the Evangelical Church in Germany.


Mark Hauptmann: German politician

Mark hauptmann

After having been awarded a scholarship by the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Mark Hauptmann kept close ties to the stipend program. . . . .


Mark Hauptmann: German politician

Mark hauptmann

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Mark Hauptmann

Mark hauptmann

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Mark Hauptmann: German politician

Mark hauptmann

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Mark Hauptmann: German politician

Mark hauptmann

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Mark Hauptmann

Mark hauptmann

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Mark Hauptmann: German politician

Mark hauptmann

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Mark Hauptmann

Mark hauptmann

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