Meine deine seine. German for Beginners: My family 2020-01-08

mein, meine, meiner, meinem : German

Meine deine seine

No Translation Requests: This community is focused on learning German. Anschließend verkündet er die anstehende Hochzeit. Nominative case, masculine and neuter is Mein, feminine and plural is meine. Gehst du mit ihrem Hund spazieren? Personal pronouns The nominative personal pronouns are one of the first things to learn in German as they are the basics to form our first sentences. Some of the Algerian victims of the drowned in the Seine after being thrown by French policemen from the and other locations in Paris.


German for Beginners: My family

Meine deine seine

Please be aware that has specific formatting requirements for submissions, so check their rules before submitting anything there. The difference between sein, seine, and seinen has to do with the gender and case of the nouns. Wahrscheinlich haben Sie schon bemerkt, dass in den obigen Beispielsätzen oft Steigerungsformen auftauchen. Ich habe keine Lampe No tengo ninguna lampara Masculino Femenino Neutro Plural Nominativo kein keine kein keine Acusativo keinen keine kein keine Dativo keinem keiner keinem keinen Genitivo keines keiner keines keiner No Atributiva sin artículo Cuando el pronombre no acompaña a un sustantivo. In your example, you have 'Hemden', which is plural and neutral in gender 'Das Hemd'. My grandmother is old but yours is even older.


Kiedy używamy mein, meine, dein, deine, ihr, ihre, sin, seine, unser, unsere?

Meine deine seine

His aunt has a bookshop. Çoğul cümlelerde das ist yerine das sind kullanıldığını da daha önce görmüştük. Your car was expensive but ours was even more expensive. Şİmdi iyelik zamirlerini kullanarak bazı örnek cümleler kuracağız. Well, this is a little bit trickier because there are different forms for each person, depending on the case and gender of the noun you use.



Meine deine seine

Lucille Ball sei eine Meisterin der visuellen Gags. Now I am studying it again to help me with my study of the postal history of Pomerania Vorpommern und Hinterpommern. Genitiv: Die Festplatte meines Computers ist kaputt Der pronominale Gebrauch des Possessivpronomens Das Possessivpronomen kann pronominal, also ohne Nomen, verwendet werden, um Wiederholungen zu vermeiden. His request was not granted. Der Apfel is masculine, too.



Meine deine seine

The possessive pronoun changes based on the grammatical gender of both the owner and the owned. Until locks were installed to raise the level in the 1800s, the river was much shallower within the city most of the time, and consisted of a small channel of continuous flow bordered by sandy banks depicted in many illustrations of the period. If you wish to ask about school work you need to submit them as a self-text posts. Die Katze ist seine und der Hund ist meiner. Wir verwenden Cookies, um Inhalte und Werbeanzeigen zu personalisieren, Funktionen für soziale Medien anzubieten und die Zugriffe auf unsere Webseite zu analysieren. İyelik zamirlerinin -i hali ve -e halini ileriki derslerimizde cümle içinde kullanacağız. Nein, sie schläft in ihrem und er in seinem.


Das Possessivpronomen

Meine deine seine

Wie geht es eurem Bruder masculine? No Low-Effort Homework Requests: Please do not post homework requests with no signs of effort - we are happy to make corrections and suggestions, but we won't do the work for you. Tinycards Duolingo just created a great new app using flashcards to learn new things and help us improve our memory called. It's correct to decline it as well as to leave it unchanged. Dies ist natürlich auch mit dein, sein, unser usw. Do kogo należy ten zeszyt? Seine Tante hat eine Buchhandlung. Regards, Sandra Sandra: I am studying German for the second time. Clubs Looking for a Duolingo Club, or interested in starting one? The chart below provides an overview of the singular and plural forms of dependent possessove pronouns in the , , and cases.



Meine deine seine

This is a community for students of German and discussions pertaining to the German language. Dativ: Ich habe meine Diplomarbeit mit meinem Computer geschrieben. Ist das Ihrer, Frau Schmidt? Das Kind hat sein Spielzeug verloren. Oto przykłady: Wem gehört das Heft? Dużym ułatwieniem jest to, iż zaimki dzierżawcze podczas odmiany przez przypadki otrzymują taką samą końcówkę jak rodzajnik nieokreślony ein, a w liczbie mnogiej odmieniają się jak rodzajnik określony die. The source of the Seine The Seine rises in the of , about 30 kilometres 19 mi northwest of. Thus, I am always willing to keep my explanations about German grammar comprehensible and short.


Los Pronombres en Alemán

Meine deine seine

Dies lässt sich am besten anhand von Beispielen erklären: alleinstehende Possessivpronomen im Singular Englisch Deutsch 1. Since I have been learning English as a second language myself for almost 20 years now I know how difficult it is to learn a language other than your native one. The child has lost its toy. This is if it's the subject of the sentence. Zajmuje on w zdaniu miejsce rodzajnika i nigdy nie występują one razem czyli przed rzeczownikiem znajduje się albo zaimek dzierżawczy albo rodzajnik. At is the mouth of the.



Meine deine seine

I studied it when I was an undergraduate at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland in the 1980s. Let's try and make this clear. Bu durum çoğul isimler için de geçerlidir. In 2007, 55 bodies were retrieved from its waters; in February 2008, the body of supermodel-turned-activist was found there. The Seine again rose to threatening levels in 1924, 1955, 1982, 1999—2000, June 2016, and January 2018. Wasze zdanie na ten temat jest bardzo ważne. Additional Resources If you need something translated or transcribed, ask for it over at.


Rezepte & Ernährung

Meine deine seine

Meinem is masculine and neutered, meiner is feminine, and meinen is plural. Wenn Sie sich gleich informieren wollen, wie die Adjektive im Englischen gesteigert werden, finden Sie im Kapitel zur alles Wissenswerte. Beispielsätze Nominativ: Das ist mein Computer. Bildiğiniz gibi, der ve das artikelleri için aynı grup iyelik zamirleri, die artikeli ve çoğulları için de aynı grup iyelik zamirleri kullanılıyordu. There are 37 and dozens more outside the city. It means a lot of memorization while learning German as an L2, but once you get the hang of it, you will be able to make good use of it both to express yourself and to understand others. Sind Sie der beste Freund Ihres Hunde s? Şimdi her iki tip cümleler için örneklerimizi yazalım.
