Nla studentweb. Studentweb 2020-01-16


nla studentweb

If you have applied through the Norwegian Universities and Colleges' Admission Service you accept the offer of a place through the online application in. Har du lese- og skrivevanskar, ei funksjonsnedsetting, sjukdom, skade eller anna som gjer at du treng tilrettelegging i undervisning, i praksis eller under eksamen? When registering for the semester, check that your updated address es are registered, examine and approve your education plan and register for teaching and assessment for students with an education plan, this registration takes place automatically, but you still have to check that you can find your teaching and assessment notifications under My active courses Aktive emner. You can find information on teaching, PowerPoint presentations, important messages, etc, on the subject pages on the learning platform. Processing of data is necessary to exercise public authority and to comply with and adhere to the provisions of the Universities and University Colleges Act. Your user account cannot normally be used until 1 August. Studiestart for hausten 2019 er 12. Master, deltids- og vidareutdanningar kan ha seinare oppstart.


Processing of personal information about applicants or students

nla studentweb

Det vil stÄ i tilbodet om studieplass om ditt studium krev politiattest, og kva type politiattest du treng. In order to gain access to the subjects on the learning platform, you must normally have registered for the semester and approved your education plan on Studentweb. Studentweb Studentweb is a web application in which students can perform a number of tasks related to academic administration, such as registering for the semester, teaching and examinations. Du bÞr difor ha det meste klart fÞr du opnar SÞknadsweb. Pay your semester fee In order to be registered as a student, you must have paid the semester fee to the Student Welfare Organisation Studentsamskipnaden.



nla studentweb

PÄ Karrieresenteret kan du fÄ karriererettleiing. Resultat Her finn du eksamensresultat og kan bestille karakterutskrift. Dersom du er inaktiv i 10 minutt mÄ du logge inn pÄ nytt. Er du ny student, mÄ du i tillegg. Du kan legge inn inntil fem avtalealternativ. With a valid student card, you can receive a discount on such things as public transport. The system is also accessible for private university colleges.



nla studentweb

You have the possibility to opt out of the display of some types of personal information, such as your facial image. Come to the study location You must personally be present at the study location at the start of the academic year. Som student kan du fÄ studierettleiing hos studiekonsulentane vÄre. I Studentweb finn du fÞlgjande informasjon: Studium Under dette menypunktet finn du utdanningsplanen din. PÄ campus FÞrde, Haugesund, Stord og Sogndal har vi ogsÄ studentrÄdgivarar du kan snakke med om personlege og private forhold i livs- og studiesituasjonen din.


New student

nla studentweb

For Ä fÄ tilgang til Canvas mÄ du ha godkjent utdanningsplanen din i Studentweb. Du loggar deg pÄ Studentweb via Feide, med brukarnamnet og passordet ditt. Alle som har fÄtt opptak til hausten 2019 mÄ mÞte til registreringa. Du kan gÄ inn og endre pÄ sÞknaden fram til sÞknadsfristen. PÄ ein del studium er det krav om at du skal legge fram.



nla studentweb

This may include information that you enter in the context of application processes or registering for the semester, or else stem from registration of grades or regular academic administration. NÄr sÞknaden er sendt, vil du fÄ tilsendt ein kvittering pÄ epost som fortel deg litt om den videre prosessen. Du skal ikkje laste opp nokon dokument i SÞknadsweb!. Haven't you received an invoice? The information is retrieved from various sources. This responsibility includes the preparation of necessary procedures to ensure data quality and confidentiality and provision of sufficient training in the use of the systems.



nla studentweb

Du loggar pÄ Canvas med FeidepÄlogging same pÄlogging som til dÞmes Studentweb og brukarkontoen din , der brukarnamn er studentnummeret ditt. Studentkorta blir produsert kort tid etter studiestart. Semester registration and approval of the education plan In addition to paying the semester fee you have to register for the semester on Studentweb. Processing is also undertaken to enable us to serve your interests as a student or applicant in the best possible way. Aktive emne Her ser du kva emne du er undervisnings- og vurderingsmeldt til.



nla studentweb

Appen fungerer som studentbevis hos mellom anna studentsamskipnaden og kollektivtransportselskap. Vurderingsmeldt vil seie oppmeldt til eksamen. Dersom du ikkje mÞter til registering, og ikkje har fÄtt godkjent frÄvÊr, mister du studieplassen. Profil Oppe til hÞgre finn du profilen din. Viss du ikkje kan mÞte til registrering, mÄ du fÄ godkjent frÄvÊret fÞr studiestart ved Ä sende e-post til. A further purpose is to reveal dishonest practices plagiarism in research.
