No tjafs. En Arg Blatte Talar om TJAFS! 2020-01-21

En Arg Blatte Talar om TJAFS!

no tjafs

There will be no Swedish culture as it passes into history books. Supposedly the intention here is diversity, giving immigrants a voice in society. Sweden, pray to whatever God you like and reconnect your nation with your own culture, with your roots. . So keep that in mind, if you were planning on promoting it. Or our very local Jerry Springer. I as an immigrant certainly feel we could be more positive here? One cannot truly underestimate the freedom of choice… Because even in a freer economy with freer culture like America, they only put tomato and cheese on it.


En Arg Blatte Talar om TJAFS!

no tjafs

So what happens when media constantly make stupid people famous? Det Kanske inte har varit så grönt för oss invandrare på sistone men jag lovar, jätte många av oss har stora drömmar och förstås den finns också den delen som har förstört samhället med deras beteende och det förstår jag varför ni är så förbannade över, tror mig jag känner exakt samma! Their youtubechannel has reached Trending many times, with videos downplaying racism against whites. Sverige tar in aphjärnor och skapar racism… Asså släpp gärna in muslimer och folk folk där ifrån om dom kan sköta sig. . Everyday we receive news from all over Europe and every single day I love my country more, a safe country for my daughter and my wife where I don't have to be afraid about them. White men control our world! Jag vill också lägga till att jag valde inte den här, jag valde inte att födas som en invandrare men jag är verkligen tacksam över att Sverige har gett mig en röst och en möjlighet att kunna förändra min framtid och förhoppningsvis Sveriges! I always wanted to visit Sweden, but seems like by the time I get there it will be known as Swedistan or some depressing North African country. Parents letting their kids grow up with iPads also let them watch Swedish media, where bimbos and leftist-extremists are the role models. I thought Sweden was a European country, based on the footage, it looks like a middle eastern country mixed with some North African in it.


En Arg Blatte Talar om TJAFS!

no tjafs

Jag är en invandrare och bor i Stockholm, jag kom hit för ungefär 5 år och sedan dess har har blivit utsatt av rasism här och där men jag förstår varför svenskar är arga på invandrarna! They just radicalize them from a distance. Or a void, which is then filled by the media. Sending regards and respect from Poland. Peter Wolodarski, who is Jewish. Swedes and immigrants live apart, in many places. The medium becomes the message. I will also share this article there, so my non-Swedish audience can read something inspiring.



no tjafs

Where hundreds of thousands of children used to follow you, before you got convicted of crimes against women. This creates a blind spot in our perception of reality. Identity politics makes it easier for other groups to become tribal, fuels tensions and creates racism as a byproduct. What happens to the Swedes view of immigrants, when all they see are angry swede-hating commies? Har stött på folk från dessa regioner som är väldigt bra människor Men dom i denna video är avskum och det är fan inte mer än rätt att vi sparkar ut dom från detta land, majoriteten utav dom människorna skulle aldrig blivit insläppta hit till och börja med Man sköter inte politik med känslor Wanted to comment something positive or something constructive but I just can't. Because Swedish leftists only want migrants as pets. And I have to admit some of their gestures are surprisingly entertaining. Instead ask yourself: What have Swedes benefited from you? You upload pictures of guns to your snapchat.


En Arg Blatte Talar om TJAFS!

no tjafs

Din kanal får vara i fred av någon jävla anledning. Jag bugar mitt huvud i respekt till din kanal. Instead of left-wing media aiming at self-hatred. In 100 years, who is going to take care of Swedish culture? Invandrings politik som denna och fenomen som dessa skapar racism, tro fan att man gillar utlänningar mindre efter man ser sån här jävla skit. But this is so much worse than just having weird clothes and strange. So if you want to be antiracist and support this diversity project, my donation info is in the bio! Jag kan du göra din egen analys som den killen gjorde, på ett brett spectrum och från hösten 2019? Thank you for reporting such things for us Angry Foreigner, every single report is appreciated and gives us insight on what to do further in the future. No wonder the country is in the state it is in where the truth is forbidden and garbage like this is heavily promoted and exalted.



no tjafs

Through that void they feed different groups impressions of each other. If i walk into a bank or a car store people look weird at me. . After they gave you a platform. Africans are safer in European countries than African countries. Sweden is more socially segregated than people know.


En Arg Blatte Talar om TJAFS!

no tjafs

They own so much media in Scandinavian media-it's just way too voluminous to cite here. Thank you God that you allowed me to be born in Poland and not live in Sweden. Vilket betyder sämre prestation i algoritmer också. Shock and awe, before the situation we find us in, sanctioned by our leaders. It was founded in 2005.



no tjafs

Hittade ett inlägg från dig på en engelsk youtube kanal av någon som kunde vart du. That Sweden has earned tons of kebab through mass immigration. Who is the Editor In Chief of Dagens Nyheter? I face a lot of racism. Eftersom du talar sannning, så är det konstigt. This might be described as a social issue.


En Arg Blatte Talar om TJAFS!

no tjafs

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no tjafs

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