Nordstrand hummel cup. Nordstrand IF 2019-12-10

Haslum HĂ„ndball G01: Nordstrand Hummel Cup

nordstrand hummel cup

Til info: jeg Þnsker ikke at den fÞrste hÄndball belastningen etter ferien skal vÊre i form av kamp med tanke pÄ skader. Dere mÄ derfor fÞlge med her torsdag kveld for Ä fÄ vite hvem som skal spille pÄ hvilket lag mailen blir sendt ut fredag morgen. The team in Girls 12 made it to the the Semi final in A-Play-off, but lost it against Da-Shin Elementary School by 4-12. . Siden lagene skal spille kamper pÄ omtrent samme tidspunkter legger jeg ut laginndelingen til Hummel Cup her pÄ siden etter treningen i morgen torsdag. They participated with 9 teams in , , , , and respectively. During Partille Cup 2017, Nordstrand had 7 teams playing in Boys 15, Girls 14, Girls 15 and Girls 18 respectively.


Nordstrand IF G14 1

nordstrand hummel cup

The area around Oslo does also provide 33 additional clubs participating during Partille Cup 2018 Among others: , , , , , , , , and. Nordstrand comes from Oslo which lies approximately 250 km from Göteborg, where Partille Cup takes place. . . .


Slutspill A

nordstrand hummel cup

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Nordstrand IF

nordstrand hummel cup

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Slutspill A

nordstrand hummel cup

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Nordstrand IF

nordstrand hummel cup

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Haslum HĂ„ndball G01: Nordstrand Hummel Cup

nordstrand hummel cup

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Haslum HĂ„ndball G01: Nordstrand Hummel Cup

nordstrand hummel cup

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