Oria uib. “More than Meets the Eye” 2019-12-07


oria uib

To get access, type in your UiB username and password. These are mostly older books or older editions of the books in the regular collection. How to apply for unemployment benefits The fastest way to apply for benefits is online. Material from the reading list that is not for loan,and can only be used in the library. A web resource to help beginning researchers in their process of researching, writing and publishing. This information may be time sensitive and affect your eligibility for benefits. Here is a searchable table with an.



oria uib

Open for questions about weekly claims and other general questions. In addition you can search for documents at other university and subject libraries in Norway. Authors also extend to the Editors the right to redistribute their articles via other scholarly resources and bibliographic databases at their discretion. Westlaw, HeinOnline and Kluwer Competition law. Request documents on loan If you are interested in a book, film, etc. In Oria you can seach for both printed and electronic material in the University of Bergen Library or other norwegian libraries.


University of Bergen Library

oria uib

The regular collection The regular collection is marked with a white tape. If you chose to receive information via eServices, we will send you an email notifying you when you have new information that requires your attention. In these journals you can search like before, for example in Google and Oria, and download articles from ScienceDirect. Oria Oria accesses the national database for all Norwegian college and university libraries but has also access to sources outside Norway. Articles in newspapers: You can search for newspaper articles in or. The alignment form was developed by the university libraries in Bergen and Oslo, and is devided into the three classical groups of Private law, Public law and International law. There are no in-person unemployment offices in Washington state.



oria uib

The reading list collection Material from the reading list is available in the library on a separate shelf, and contains the books that are listed on the course reading list. We do not arrange books by language. This database is free and you don't need to be connected to the UiO Network to be able to use it to download references, but you might be redirected to other databases that require you to be loged on to the UiO Network. This study utilizes a transaction log analysis approach, using popular and zero result queries datasets gathered from the statistics module of a library discovery system. Students and staff at The Faculty of Law can book a librarian for a one-to-one session, where the librarian will help you find relevant information from the many subject databases The University of Bergen Library has access to. Use the citation or email symbol to download or send references.


How to search in Oria

oria uib

It is also possible to or an other solution to. These benefits are intended to assist workers who lost their jobs through no fault of their own and are not based on financial need. Advanced search You can also search by subject in Oria. It can be sorted by topics, e. Articles in journals: Articles can be found in printed or electronic journals. Always remember to write down the name of the journal, year and volume for future reference.


How to search in Oria

oria uib

The session takes place in the library all weekdays between 8. All the literature on this subject will appear. The books from the storage unit can be borrowed for four weeks. Our conclusion is that the examined discovery system is rather sensitive. The books can be reserved if unavailable, but not renewed.



oria uib

A collection of databases that the University of Bergen subscribes to, e. Available Monday to Friday from 10:00-14:00. The source and reference collection The sources of law and reference collection is marked with a blue tape. Access to electronic resources If you are off campus, you will be asked to sign in when you follow links from Oria to databasesor full text articles. Contains information about searching, reading, writing, sources and referencing. You also will receive verification by email, if you gave us your email address and permission to correspond with you. At the moment, most of the Video tutorials are only available at the Norwegian version of this page.



oria uib

Access outside campus: Information on how to access e-resources outside campus can be found. By using search techniques such as truncation, synonyms and by combining search terms you can increase the relevance of your search results. When signed in, you can find «My Account» in the menu labeled with your name, in the top right corner of the Oria web page. But still you can find many articles through. The latest annual volume is located by the seating area in the middle of the library. My Account At «My Account» you find an overview of your loans and requests and have the option to renew your loans. Type in your search terms in the search field and click «Search in Oria».


The Law Library

oria uib

This work is licensed under a. Feel free to contact them with any inquiries. This extension allows the authors' copyrighted content to be included in some databases that are distributed and maintained by for-profit companies. You can choose which type of resource you want to be displayed, or choose a certain time frame, language or library. From 2004 to 2016 Kirsti Lothe Jacobsen was project leader, now Elen Elvebakk is the editor in charge. .
