Paladins decks. Paladins Meta Decks 2019-12-27

Kibler's Top 100 Legend Handbuff Paladin Deck

Paladins decks

Outside of this, their ability to flood the board with Divine Shield minions and buff effects also makes it an effective choice for a player looking to play Aggro. In extremely long games, the incremental value you gain from the Paladin Hero Power can be a big advantage. The cooldown of Shatter is reduced by 1s. LifeSteal is your comeback mechanism, if you manage this aspect of the game well, your win rate will skyrocket. Deck Stats Click below to filter your deck list. Against Aggro in particular, a buffed LifeSteal minion can win the game by itself.


Best deck build for Ying in Paladins

Paladins decks

Each upgrade costs the original value multiplied by 2 or 3 e. Against aggressive decks, you will be trying to set up your defenses as rapidly as possible. Decks range from Aggressive, Midrange, and Control. If none are deployed, it will take Ying to the last active Illusion. You do not need to consider your win condition, just the best ways to remove the opponent's board, and stay alive. The 3-Mana cards in this deck are very strong in that regard, and you will want to keep the best one that you can in your opening hand.



Paladins decks

In Paladins, players have been searching for the best deck build options for Ying. . Effective up to Medium Range. Of course, there are other ways to play Ying outside of focusing on Illusion. It will often be the case that you have to play them on curve, but you should always be aware that they do much better work if you can save them until after you have been damaged. While this buff is active, Dimensional Link may now teleport you to any ally. To buff Ying's healing capabilities, you can also give this alternative deck build a try in Paladins.


Best deck build for Ying in Paladins

Paladins decks

This means that you will very often have to rely on your minions to remove your opponent's board. Illusions can be shot down by enemies, so cards like Spring Bloom help as it reduces the cooldown of Illusion, thereby allowing you to place more and continue healing allies. There is an autobuy function that allows new players to have the game purchase items for them. Going into Turns 6 and 7, you will be looking to make sure that your minions stick to the board so that and can target them. Once purchased or upgraded, items cannot be sold or downgraded. Aim of the Deck The deck aims to survive the early game by playing a succession of Taunt minions, while simulatenously gaining value from cards like and. Your strategy should be to eliminate any threats, and then start to push damage to your opponent directly.


Paladins Meta Decks

Paladins decks

LifeSteal Management Several of the minions in this deck have LifeSteal, and are an integral part of the deck. None of those three cards should ever be thrown away, but the times when you will look hard for them are limited. The Paladin class is a highly effective Control or Midrange class. Operative 5 Elise the Trailblazer 5 Elite Tauren Chieftain 5 Faceless Corruptor 5 Faceless Lurker 5 Faceless Manipulator 5 Farraki Battleaxe 5 Fel Reaver 5 Fen Creeper 5 Feugen 5 Finja, the Flying Star 5 Former Champ 5 Frostwolf Warlord 5 Fungalmancer 5 Furbolg Mossbinder 5 Ghostly Charger 5 Glowstone Technician 5 Green Jelly 5 Grim Patron 5 Grimestreet Enforcer 5 Grook Fu Master 5 Guild Recruiter 5 Gurubashi Berserker 5 Harrison Jones 5 Hemet Nesingwary 5 Holomancer 5 Holy Wrath 5 Junkbot 5 Kobold Stickyfinger 5 Kvaldir Raider 5 Leeroy Jenkins 5 Loatheb 5 Loose Specimen 5 Lotus Agents 5 Madder Bomber 5 Mechano-Egg 5 Menagerie Magician 5 Mimiron's Head 5 Mortuary Machine 5 Mosh'Ogg Announcer 5 Muck Hunter 5 Mukla's Champion 5 Nesting Roc 5 Nexus-Champion Saraad 5 Nightblade 5 Phalanx Commander 5 Pit Fighter 5 Platebreaker 5 Prince Liam 5 Prince Malchezaar 5 Psych-o-Tron 5 Quartermaster 5 Recruiter 5 Recurring Villain 5 Red Mana Wyrm 5 Righteousness 5 Rotten Applebaum 5 Rusty Recycler 5 Salty Dog 5 Seaforium Bomber 5 Second-Rate Bruiser 5 Servant of Kalimos 5 Shield of Galakrond 5 Shrink Ray 5 Sightless Ranger 5 Silver Hand Knight 5 Skelemancer 5 Skyfin 5 Sludge Belcher 5 Snapjaw Shellfighter 5 Solemn Vigil 5 Spectral Knight 5 Spiked Hogrider 5 Spiteful Smith 5 Stalagg 5 Stampeding Kodo 5 Stand Against Darkness 5 Stormpike Commando 5 Stranglethorn Tiger 5 Streetwise Investigator 5 Subject 9 5 Summoning Stone 5 Sunborne Val'kyr 5 Sunreaver Warmage 5 Tentacled Menace 5 Tomb Lurker 5 Trogg Gloomeater 5 Tuskarr Jouster 5 Validated Doomsayer 5 Venomancer 5 Venture Co. For instance against you might feel that your might not be impactful enough compared to the potential gains from drawing the Prince a turn earlier. If your hand contains a 1-Mana card, you should consider the impact that the card will make. Here you can find our latest Paladin decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion: Saviors of Uldum.



Paladins decks

Mercenary 5 Wargear 5 Wasteland Assassin 5 Witchwood Grizzly 5 Zilliax 5 Ancient Harbinger 6 Ancient of Blossoms 6 Arcane Dynamo 6 Archmage 6 Argent Commander 6 Avenging Wrath 6 Aya Blackpaw 6 Big-Time Racketeer 6 Blackguard 6 Blatant Decoy 6 Bolf Ramshield 6 Bone Drake 6 Book Wyrm 6 Boulderfist Ogre 6 Cairne Bloodhoof 6 Camouflaged Dirigible 6 Corrupted Seer 6 Crystal Lion 6 Damaged Stegotron 6 Defias Cleaner 6 Drakonid Crusher 6 Eccentric Scribe 6 Emperor Thaurissan 6 Enter the Coliseum 6 Evasive Wyrm 6 Fight Promoter 6 Frost Elemental 6 Frozen Crusher 6 Furnacefire Colossus 6 Gadgetzan Auctioneer 6 Gazlowe 6 Gelbin Mekkatorque 6 Genn Greymane 6 Grand Crusader 6 Gyrocopter 6 Hemet, Jungle Hunter 6 Hogger 6 Hungry Ettin 6 Illidan Stormrage 6 Ivory Knight 6 Justicar Trueheart 6 Khartut Defender 6 Kodorider 6 Kronx Dragonhoof 6 Leatherclad Hogleader 6 Level Up! Not only can she heal allies through her Illusions, but she can also teleport between them and use them to deal Damage to nearby enemies. Unlike many Paladin decks, this deck has very little direct removal. Again, Ying can be a complicated Champion to use effectively in Paladins. As such, it is unrealistic to expect a great curve. If you have , you will be looking to keep two of them.


Best deck build for Ying in Paladins

Paladins decks

Bear in mind through the mulligan, and the early-game against Aggro, that you are trying to survive. While popular, Ying is also one of the harder Support Champions to play in Paladins. © Hi-Rez Studios Based on the cards in the image above, the best deck build for Ying in Paladins is one that enables Ying to play more aggressively. As a Support Champion, Ying plays a key role in aiding her team to victory through her healing abilities. For a list of cards to craft in priorty, see our. These items allow players to gain useful benefits such as bonus movement or reload speed.



Paladins decks

Paladin Deck Lists Paladin decks can be very versatile. For more on Paladins, be sure to check out some of our previous guides including , the , and the! Paladin also has many strong class cards, such as Shielded Minibot, Truesilver Champion, and Tirion Fordring. This feature can be toggled on and off in the Gameplay tab in the Options menu. If you already have the Prince in your hand, you can keep curve cards as per the Aggro section above. To know why the cards in the suggested deck build are so effective, it helps to understand. Using the alternative deck build above, you should be able to increase your effectiveness as a healer.


Paladin Decks for Saviors of Uldum

Paladins decks

In general, is better used later in the game, and can be thrown away. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Things to keep in mind while playing Ying in Paladins is that her primary role is as a. Items can be purchased at the spawn rooms by pressing the item store key I by default. Paladin is able to utilize its Hero Power to win attrition battles against other Control decks, and is able to continually put minions on the board to feed aggressive decks! Each item can be upgraded up to two times, replacing the previous item with a stronger version of itself. Mulligan and Early Game Against Other Decks Against decks that are not trying to rush you down, you can be more aggressive with your opening mulligan.
