Plassen molde. Molde bibliotek 2019-12-23

Molde bibliotek

plassen molde

The Norwegian city of has just 25,000 inhabitants, but every July the biggest stars of jazz and about 100,000 jazz enthusiasts flock to the town's world famous international jazz festival. All a ploy of course, in the hope of getting another excellent recording for my next birthday present! Brilleinnfatninger blir i dag i stor grad designet og produsert av de store motehusene. The exterior is dominated by the broad staircase. Herfra kommer man inn i en stor foajé med mange bruksmuligheter. I tillegg brukes Kafé Kurt til ulike arrangement. For there is no distinction between the roof and the outdoor pavement; both are covered with local stone, forming a monochromatic covering which rises from ground level to the third and last level via the stairway. In a sense the building now speaks of the vibrant music scene that visits the town every summer.


There is no denying it: the Cultural centre, “Plassen”, Molde, Norway by 3XN.

plassen molde

. En mindre sal Storyville har en kapasitet pÄ opp til rundt 170 sitteplasser. Er de i veien og hemmer deg i forbindelse med jobb, fritid eller i sportsaktiviteter? The library is situated in the eastern wing with a strong exposure to the square. During the day the roof offers a cafe with outdoor seating, a recreational area with splendid views and exhibition space for the building's gallery; while the staircase on the side of the building is an essential link between the city's upper and lower districts. For more details, please see our. Den stÞrste salen Teatret VÄrt har 207 faste sitteplasser i amfi. .


There is no denying it: the Cultural centre, “Plassen”, Molde, Norway by 3XN.

plassen molde

Huset er tegnet av det danske arkitektfirmaet. In urban terms, the building is basically rectilinear, as are surrounding buildings, and it also used uses local stone for the walls and floors blending with other architecture in the town. Kontakt for informasjon og priser. Plassen er et bygg med stor fleksibilitet tilpasset de ulike institusjonene og arrangementene. The location had all the hallmarks of a good place in the city: a central location, an effective area, a steady influx of people and clearly defined boundaries.


There is no denying it: the Cultural centre, “Plassen”, Molde, Norway by 3XN.

plassen molde

Arkitekturen skaper et miljÞ der folk som er tilknyttet de ulike funksjonene, bringes sammen slik at de kan mÞtes og utveksle bÄde ideer og erfaringer. This new civic space and building is likely to become an important new focus for the town itself. Den fungerer som en visuell forlengelse av trappen utendÞrs, og understreker sammenhengen mellom ute- og inne arealene. This compact and well-functioning structure with its highly usable and easy accessible areas maintains the public space of GÞrvellplassen, and even enhances the flexibility of the square. A theme which also appears in Sverre Fehn? Salen kan enkelt bygges om til over 300 sitteplasser. Tretthet, hodepine og nakkesmerter er vanlige plager og dette kan skyldes at du anstrenger Þynene for mye nÄr du ser pÄ skjermen. In Molde, the city of roses, which grow luxuriantly here thanks to the mild climate of the fjords, the city hall is a cement construction with a green roof on which a rose garden has been planted, with the idea that the building can support nature rather than taking its place.


3XN: cultural center plassen

plassen molde

The interiors, with an informal feel created thanks to the warm hues of the wooden flooring and the red walls, interact with the city outside through a continuous glass façade with a visible structure. Contemporary and innovative, but at the same time simple and blunt, the design of the building resists any excesses. The flowing transition between the stages, the gallery, and the café creates the illusion that the inner and outer spaces are one. Men det er husets hjerte, teatersalen, som med sin hÞyrÞde farge tiltrekker seg mest oppmerksomhet. Huset er bygget opp rundt kuben, med to ulike vinkler som omgir teatersalen fra to sider. The architectural idea is to create the illusion that the inner and outdoor spaces are one. Beliggenhet Adresse GÞrvellplassen 1, 6413 Molde Historiske fakta Eier , , MÞre og Romsdal fylkeskommune, Arkitekt Posisjon Plassen Plassen er et kulturhus pÄ i.


Brillehuset & BrillehjĂžrnet

plassen molde

Inside the building, the big concert hall is surrounded by an exhibition gallery, a coffee shop and a bookshop, linked by different paths which are articulated along hybrid spaces without any real borders. But there is no attempt to deny what it is; the building is uncompromisingly contemporary, and very exciting. Dezeen Weekly subscribers will also receive occasional updates about events, competitions and breaking news. Home to the Molde Jazz Fastival, Norway? Together with the building's roof, an existing staircase next to the building constitute a total of three outdoor amphitheatres that collectively accommodate several thousand spectators. Of note is the generously broad external stair that acts as seating for an outdoor stage.


Plassen Kulturhus, Molde

plassen molde

All surfaces of the building are accessible for active use. Prosjektet har vÊrt kjent i media under betegnelser som «jazz- og teaterhuset» og «teaterjazzhuset». Contemporary and innovative, but at the same time simple and blunt, the design of the building resists any excesses. It cuts and folds the surface, resulting in a building where the inside and the outside, the surface and the roof, merges into one. We will never give your details to anyone else without your consent. Her skal Teatret VÄrt, Molde International Jazz Festival, Molde Bibliotek, MÞre og Romsdal Kunstnersenter og BjÞrnsonfestivalen sammen skape et av Norges mest moderne kulturbygg. I have to face it, I am going to have to start buying my own Norwegian Jazz from now on! The stair can also be used as an amphitheatre for outdoor concerts.


Cultural Center ‘Plassen’

plassen molde

Use of the same local stone on both walls and floors, creates a calm atmosphere. Emphasizing this principle, the windows of the building can be described as wide horizontal openings allowing plenty the daylight, and providing a splendid view from within as well as from the outside. The building design tries to build on these qualities. The flowing transition between the stages, the gallery, and the cafĂ© creates the illusion that the inner and outer spaces are one. Etasjene bindes sammen av en bred trapp som fĂžrer oss gjennom foajeen. The new cultural centre in Molde combines several institutions — a theatre, a jazz festival, a literary festival, a library and an arts centre — into one compact building.


Cultural Center ‘Plassen’

plassen molde

This created a lot of space for people to rest in nice weather. Therefore, the concert hall is rectangular and stripped of fancy shapes. We will only use your email address to send you the newsletters you have requested. During the day the roof offers a café with outdoor seating, a recreational area with splendid views and exhibition space for the building's gallery; while the staircase on the side of the building is an essential link between the city's upper and lower districts. Vi leier ut lokaler pÄ Plassen til konserter og show, bryllup og jubileer og har selvsagt ogsÄ alle fasiliteter for Ä arrangere kurs og konferanser. Vi gleder oss til Ä vise frem stykkene vÄre her, forteller Halvard Fiksdal ved Teatret VÄrt. The staircase provides the jazz festival with a big open-air stage that may become a new focal point for the town.
