Powerlevel10k. Must have software for Silverblue. Recommendations? 2019-12-22

Linux Terminal Goods II


Comes with a handy setup script. Powerlevel10k has more prompt segments to choose from but it's not a superset of Powerline's segments. It also includes a compiler and interpreter for the language. Submodules make managing dotfile dependencies so much easier. There seems to be an issue with conda environments. There are specific endpoints such as S3, , and other that are among the ones I use more in my day to day work.


Must have software for Silverblue. Recommendations?


Thus, Powerline can rationally be a better choice for someone but I'd estimate it would account for less than 0. You can also set the fontsize e. The included Rakefile will symlink anything ending in. It allows to store your dotfiles on git and automagically deploy different versions on different setups. I've installed iTerm2, zsh, oh-my-zsh and powerlevel9k. The single quotes are important! Script execution is done within the current shell session, so scripts can modify the current shell environment. If you've already installed gitstatus plugin, you can remove it now.


Configure a beautiful terminal on Unix with Zsh


Automation is must if you want to scale, automation is way more … Cloud Computing is the default today. Its a framework to manage Zsh configuration. In a git repo with 4k files I get 160 prompts per second. You can also run p10k configure to configure your prompt through an interactive dialogue. For this post, I will show 5 utilities to make any engineer life better. There are alternatives like which also offers similar features but I personally like Zsh.




Related subreddits I just couldn't stop making faster. For Linux I would recommend using , I have been using it for 3 years and its just amazing. You can read about my setup As a senior developer and open source community lead, I spent a lot of time on the terminal and a terminal with a nice developer experience instantly makes you happier and more productive. Configuration settings is compatible with 9k. Replay in terminal You can replay this recording in your terminal with asciinema play command: asciinema play 249531. A comprehensive and versatile dotfiles manager which helps to synchronize your dotfiles between multiple computers and devices. Here gitstatusd will be virtually instant regardless of the size of the repo because it won't scan anything.


# If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH. # export PATH=$HOM


With each keystroke in your command prompt, you'll take advantage of the hundreds of powerful plugins and beautiful themes. The default bash terminal is good for beginners but if you really want a powerful terminal you need something more than bash. Would be interested in a performance comparison. This guide previously used Powerlevel9k. . On a fast desktop running Ubuntu, when not in a git repo, I get 500 prompts per second. Antigen-hs is much more minimalistic and emphasizes convention over configuration more strongly than antigen.


AUR (en)


I also learn some cool stuff from the Thread and want to show it here. Everything looks very grey, when I do ls everything has the same color I am used to see some rich colors with ubuntu normal bash , the prompt has the same colors than command outputs. Crucially, Powerlevel10k is fast with any config. I like where my theme is for now, though, so I'm going to stick with it, but jeremyFreeAgent's theme also looks really great. By default, the prompt will wait for up to 50 ms for git status.


Powerlevel9k vs Powerlevel10k


I believe this was the right decision. Can do I unload it? I have you another pic where you may be able to see my issue better. Homely also has a clever Automatic Cleanup feature and good tutorials. This can happen when display is not hardware calibrated and you need exact Solarized Dark color palate. Take a look at the. The shortened directory can be tab-completed to the original.


AUR (en)


If Powerlevel9k becomes fast in the future by merging my changes or by some other means , it'll be trivial for anyone to switch over. I bundled gitstatus with Powerlevel10k for easy installation. If you like vintage terminals also check. Submit a , , or. From what I have seen in the powerlevel9k. No dotfiles framework, just shell scripts to set everything up.




Everything you can do with Powerlevel9k you can also do with Powerlevel10k: custom prompts, color customization, icons, etc. Let us make the terminal awesome. I installed everything and seems to work fine, however there is something I dislike and I do not manage to change. Icons load fine in iTerm2. Anyways, I am hugely enjoying the responsiveness that this scheduler brings me.
