Recaro stolar. Licensee 2019-12-31

Recaro bílstólar

recaro stolar

Vi erbjuder gratis Carfax rapport på alla våra bilar. · Sport S Seats The classic sport seat of the late 60's and early 70's was the Recaro Ideal. Many of these cars had special made racing seats made in fiberglass or alloy to give the drivers better grip and support. Also available in any custom choice, plaid, leather or houndstooth as well as custom painted backs to match your car exterior color. The best quality and craftsmanship we can provide. We found a 95% original basket weave that we use now on all Sport S seats, to come even closer to your original interior. It puts up guard rails where necessary and provides support where appropriate.


Opel Corsa OPC 1.6T Recaro

recaro stolar

This seat is handmade with the highest quality and craftsmanship. The Watkins glen is not super tight fit, so please tell us so we can make it to your specifications, with side openings and a for the submarine belt for the 5 point harness option. Embla var svo heppin að fá svona stól í jólagjöf frá ömmu sinni og afa og ég gat ekki beðið eftir að skella honum í bílinn og leggja leiðindar ungbarnastólnum hennar sem er mjög þungur og erfiður í notkun. We make the PanAm with your provided existing seats. Recaro Zero 1 stóllinn uppfyllti allar mínar kröfur og meira til og ég elska þennan stól.



recaro stolar

Till de flesta bilar kan du även köpa till vårt eget tilläggsskydd Kamux Plus för endast 5000sek. The user assumes that risk. Núna eftir áramót var ég svo heppin að fá að fara í samstarf með og kynna þessa flottu stóla þeirra betur. We revise and rework them and then send the new PanAm seat back to you - all made according to your specifications and samples. Hér er hægt að skoða heimasíðuna hjá og skoða alla stólana sem eru í boði. We went as far as reproducing the shape of the foam and have made molds for it to ensure that each seat has the exact shape and form.


Racing seats from Recaro.

recaro stolar

That fits many mid engined cars as well as many British cars from the era. Available in all the classic sport seat configurations of that period. Manufactured from high-quality Carbon-Kevlar® fibre material, this shell for the motorsport professional satisfies the most exacting requirements in both quality and safety. Stólnum er hægt að snúa í 360°og því þarf ekki að fara í neinar aðgerðir með stólinn þegar barnið breytist úr bakvísandi í framvísandi heldur er stólnum bara snúið aðeins lengra. The Watkins Glen is one of the most famous racetrack and the Porsche 914 has scored several victories here, that how we honor the track and its name. As original equipment or a coveted optional extra in passenger vehicles.



recaro stolar

Núna um áramótin var Embla að verða of stór í ungbarnastólinn sinn og fór að vanta næstu stærð fyrir ofan. We can perforate the centers of the bolsters, just as you like it or your Kardex card indicates. This custom leather seat can be ordered in different color schemes. Ég fór í þvílíka rannsóknarvinnu og komst að því að Recaro bílstólarnir voru að fá mjög góða dóma fyrir öryggi og eru alveg ótrúlega neytendavænir! We offer additional adjustable lumbar support. You also have now the choice if you want to equip your car with a 5-point harness to have the proper guidance of all seat belts.


Automotive Seating

recaro stolar

Þegar barnið er svo orðið nógu stórt til að fara í stærri stólinn er ungbarnastólnum bara smellt af og settur í geymslu. Ég var líka þvílíkt spennt fyrir stól sem getur snúist í 360°af því það auðveldar svo sjúklega mikið að setja barnið í og taka það úr stólnum og eins vildi ég stól sem væri ekki mikið mál að flytja á milli bíla. It is available in many different colors, material and pattern upon request to match you existing interior. Our choice for the top of the line of the Sport S seat line. Motorsport Information We all realize that Motorsport is dangerous and every day traffic can be as dangerous.


Watkins Glen Car Seats

recaro stolar

Available in the classic design, or in custom configurations of your choice to fit the interior , color and purpose of your car and make. The pronounced seat cushion and seat back bolsters offer optimum vehicle control in extreme driving situations. To adapt for today's needs, we can add an attachment option for the Trips device, to allow for proper guidance for all seat belts of your harness. The classic sport seat with the new original basket weave is typical for it's time period. Available in the all configuration leatherette and corduroy or basket weave. Depending on the make you have, we will match that manufacturer's pattern to get as close as possible to the original.



recaro stolar

It is the perfect choice if you do not like the unsupportive older stock seats but want the look of the racing bucket seats with comfort to give your classic car the touring look with the style of the early 70's. Available in various colors upon request. Every day, around 2,400 employees in nine countries give their utmost attention to the tiniest details. Vi hjälper självklart till med finansiering av din nya bil och tar gärna din nuvarande bil i inbyte. Both in motorsports as well as for personal use. Well-defined seat cushion and seat back bolsters offer optimum vehicle control in all driving situations.



recaro stolar

In 1906, Wilhelm Reutter founded the company Stuttgarter Carosserie- und Radfabrik Stuttgart Body and Wheel Factory. We face new challenges each and every day in order to meet our own high standards. In order to be able to offer excellent seat holding in all racing situations, motorsport racing shells must be able to withstand extreme loads and at the same time, fit the driver like a glove. We can offer the small and big wale corduroy, both made in Germany. Our strollers and car seats also fascinate families around the world thanks to their extra safety and comfort.
