Search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen. Fortnite: Where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map screen location 2020-01-23

'Fortnite' Magnifying Glass on Treasure Map Loading Screen Week 3 Challenge Guide

search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen

The battle star is on the pedestal underneath the ice statue that looks like the. Fortnite's Magnifying Glass loading screen challenge is an unusual one, asking you to search where the magnifying glass sits at the Treasure Map loading screen for one of the game's many. You have to unlock a specific loading screen, and that image has a clue leading to a secret battle star. To further simplify this for you, our friends at Solace Entertainment have made this beautiful video guide for the same challenge:. The streamer notes you need to head to Polar Peaks and find an icy statue surrounded by snow-capped trees. There, you'll find a circular forested area with some trees dotted around sparsly.


Fortnite Magnifying Glass loading screen location

search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen

Search where the magnifying glass sits on the Treasure Map loading screen in Fortnite Looking closely at the Fortnite Treasure Map loading screen, you should be able to identify that under the magnifying glass sits a circle of trees with a statue in the middle of it. The Week 3 Challenges are the same on all platforms. If you zoom in on the in-game map, you can just faintly see the circle of trees. Often, a chest will spawn directly below this location. On the map is a magnifying glass, and the area it's focused on is where you need to head to during a match.


Fortnite Magnifying Glass Location: Search Where Magnifying Glass Sits on Treasure Map

search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen

What Is the Treasure Map Loading Screen? Read what's last been added with , daily to discover and weekly. Grab them, and you can tick this one off your list. The Treasure Map loading screen depicts a more rustic, pirate-like version of the battle royale map. Approach the base of the Ice King sculpture. There are a total of seven challenges to take on as usual and three of them are free which means you can tackle them whether you have a season pass or not. By doing so, you'll gather Battle Stars and level up the Battle Pass much quicker.


Fortnite Search where the magnifying glass sits on the Treasure Map loading screen: Week 3

search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen

This should go a long way in helping less-skilled players better complete their and unlock all of the cosmetic items. And one of those who came up with a solution for Fortnite search magnifying glass is YouTuber OmniPie. This guide explains the challenge and reveals where that Magnifying Glass is located. If players look closely at where the magnifying glass is positioned, it marks a specific location on the Fortnite battle royale map. We recommend doing this challenge in the big team mode available for you currently, at the time of publishing this guide. The statues and ring of trees west of Polar Peak Epic Games via Polygon Once you get to the statues, head to the feet of the Ice King statue — the one in the middle — and the star will appear for you. Older maps tended to rotate the map or provide a strange perspective to make it a little less straightforward.


Fortnite Search where the magnifying glass sits on the Treasure Map loading screen: Week 3

search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen

You can check out all your loading screens in the Locker tab by opening your collection from the bottom row. It could also keep some players from getting too frustrated and potentially abandoning Fortnite for one of the many other battle royale games currently on the market. More recently, the was released, adding the Flint-Knock Pistol, unvaulting a weapon, and making various other adjustments. We now have three sets of weekly challenges available for Season 8 of Fortnite: Battle Royale. Since these specific quests only went live just yesterday, it's important to keep that head on a swivel while hunting down these Battle Stars. It's time for more weekly challenges in Fortnite: Battle Royale, even if today's are coming a little bit later for some reason. If you're working your way through the challenges, make sure you find all the and.


Fortnite: search where the magnifying glass sits on the Treasure Map loading screen

search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen

This location is in the winter biome, southwest of , and east of Frosty Flights, in a circle of trees. But the challenge that sends you searching for where the magnifying glass sits on the Treasure Map loading screen has a few extra steps to figure out. Once it does, all you need to do is walk over and interact with it to complete this challenge. Land here and search for the Battle Star to complete the week 3 challenge! For a more precise location based on the real island map, look here. Were you able to find where the Magnifying Glass sits on the Treasure Map Loading Screen? In order to locate this item, you're first of all going to have to start travelling in the direction of Polar Peak.


Fortnite Challenge Guide: Search where the magnifying glass sits on the Treasure Map loading screen

search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen

In previous seasons of , we were used to seeing challenges that involved finding a treasure map on the island and following its instructions to track down some hidden Battle Stars, though they haven't been featured in recent times. We're going right to the southwest of Polar Peak, where you can easily see a ring of trees from the map or the air. The magnifying glass is pointing to a location in the southwestern quadrant, otherwise known as the snow biome. The secret battle star should pop when they near the sculptures in the center of the trees. Season 8 of Fortnite mixes things up a bit by having the treasure map be part of a loading screen instead of found in the game world, tasking players with visiting the location marked by the magnifying glass sitting on the map. This is a massive area was added in along with several new locations so finding this specific spot in the middle of all that may be a difficult challenge. Tell us in the comments section! The map in question is this one, the Treasure Map loading screen unlocked when you reach Tier 10 of the.


Fortnite: search where the magnifying glass sits on the Treasure Map loading screen

search where the magnifying glass sits on the treasure map loading screen

As of Season 8, Fortnite has a party assist feature that lets players share the burden for completing specific challenges. Below is a picture of the loading screen map you need to read. Check out the video below for specifics, but it's all pretty obvious to be honest. Fortnite 's Week 3 Challenges ask players to search where the Magnifying Glass sits on the Treasure Map Loading Screen. The third week of Fortnite challenges are here for Season 8, and one of them involves searching a location marked under a magnifying glass in Fortnite. The star is at the center of the ring of trees that surround the ice sculptures.
