Silje lindberg. Silje Lindberg 2019-11-21


silje lindberg

» — Willy Walder, Norsk Shakespearetidsskrift. The performance has performed in Rema 1000 stores in Trondheim, Verdal, InderĂžy and Steinkjer on collaboration with Rosendal Teater and TurnĂ©teatret in TrĂžndelag. Kystriksveien is the Coastal Road of Northern Norway, a 650 km long road from Steinkjer to BodĂž. TrĂžsten er at du nĂ„ har funnet fred, Silje - og at vi en dag sees igjen. Varme tanker sendes til Tonje, Lise, Dick og Jan, og resten av familien. Savnet er stort og hjertet er sĂ„rt.


Silje Lindberg

silje lindberg

The store — like the community — offers endless choices. Hjertet mitt grĂ„ter for deg - og jeg er helt knust over at livet ble for vanskelig Ă„ leve, kjĂŠre jenta miiiii. . And do we manage to accept ourselves and each other as flaws? Ung og sterk, men allikevel sĂ„ sĂ„rbar. Among shelves, groceries and customers, the audience meets people who express the need to be understood despite their fragility. SĂ„ engasjert nĂ„r du hadde noe pĂ„ hjertet Ă„ fortelle. We know this road and can provide you with the right maps, brochures and books.



silje lindberg

Ung og sterk, men allikevel sĂ„ sĂ„rbar. Eg held deg tett inntil meg varm og rik Med vidope hjarte kysser eg panna di Skulle sĂ„ gjerne gĂ„tt framfor deg og rydda alle vegar Men hjarta mitt vil alltid fĂžlja deg du vesle prinsesse VĂ„r alles glede! A mosaic of different stories, about people in small and large life crises that gradually become a community — a chorus. Customers try to act correctly while navigating between products and flawed goods. That in itself makes it solid. Du har satt deg et vakkert spor i mitt hjerte som jeg skal verne om Ă„ huske deg pĂ„, sĂ„ fin jente du var. Jeg er sĂ„ glad for Ă„ ha kjent deg. « A completely different and demanding theater performance that really succeeded with what it set out to do.


Silje Lindberg

silje lindberg

The actors are talented, and Jenny Hilmo Teig has dressed them up in costumes that make them just stand out from most customers, but not excessively. The performance is played in a grocery store during the opening hours of the store, where the audience gets access to the lives of three customers and one employee. Travel slow along Kystriksveien and make sure to include a visit to the many islands. Cycling, biking and kayaking are popular activities that you might want to explore. Det er sÄ tomt pÄ jobb uten deg. Du har satt deg et vakkert spor i mitt hjerte som jeg skal verne om Ä huske deg pÄ, sÄ fin jente du var. Det er sÄ trist at du ikke fant en annen vei.



silje lindberg

Vakre pike sÄ nydelig og flott! Familien, Celine og alle andre som nÄ har fÄtt et tomrom i hjertet. The text is based on collected documentary material from people in imbalance. The stories are told in an audible universe using headphones. Lamentations and streams of thought are heard, shopping carts are filled. The company plays with the contrasts between the realistic texts and the room, along with a physical play style.


Svartisen glacier. Photo: Silje Lindberg

silje lindberg

Mange minner dukker opp, med alt det artige du fant pÄ. In addition, the performance creates a fascinating audience contract by allowing the unpredictable, dynamic action to take place both close to, but also liberating independent of, the audience. Du var en jente med sÄ mye energi og liv, som skapte masse glede rundt deg. Visit our Kystriksveien Info-Center in Steinkjer. Among shelves, food and colorful advertising posters, costumers and employees are shopping. Du hadde alltid noe fint Ä si til andre rundt deg, og vi jobbet sÄ bra sammen.



silje lindberg

Jeg ber for dere kjĂŠre rundt Siljemor. . . . . .



silje lindberg

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Svartisen glacier. Photo: Silje Lindberg

silje lindberg

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