Thea hjelmeland. Kulla THEA HJELMELAND 2020-01-30

Thea Hjelmeland @ Byscenen · julie anne noying

thea hjelmeland

She is well-known as an exceptional live artist with a unique, playful expression and soundscape. Ho er for meg heilt optimal. As far as she knows she has always been singing, and as the years passed by she picked up instrument after instrument. Thea is a 2 times winner of the Norwegian Grammy for best Indie album and 4 times nominee. Ho har eit enormt spekter av glede og filosofisk retningar og refleksjonar. Her spelar ho Quererte i dag. Yeah, I know you like the smell, mademoiselle.


Thea Hjelmeland on Spotify

thea hjelmeland

Så fekk vi vite at han hadde ein alvorleg sjukdom, og at han ikkje hadde lenge igjen å leve. It was lovely the first, better the second, but third oh the third. Eg har visst det var musikken, men det å tørre det fullt ut — det å vere kunstnar — er ein risikofylt situasjon. Once I built a castle, once I burnt it down. The lyrics touch upon feminism, with a sarcastic and sometimes morbid sense of humour, but always contain depth and an underlying severity. Thea Hjelmeland is honest and energetic, as are her albums and concerts.


Thea Hjelmeland @ Byscenen · julie anne noying

thea hjelmeland

Ladies just don't do things like that! Once I kept myself away from you and your town. Og i dag er dagen. Men Hjelmeland er klar på at plata ikkje er sorgtung og depressiv. Mykje impulsar, og eg kom rett inn i jazzmiljøet og jamsessions på klubbar om nettene. Men no er ho klar for å fortelje.



thea hjelmeland

Og framleis er ho like spent. Ladies just don't do things like that! Eg er eit veldig kjenslemenneske, og så er eg ærleg: det er ikkje noko filter mellom musikken min og mine eigne kjensler. Thea Hjelmeland is honest and energetic, as are her albums and concerts. Det går rett inn og rett ut att. Ho er eit resultat av at eg har gått gjennom ein krevjande prosess. Hjelmeland har leita etter seg sjølv. I know you do, I know-o-ho you want to.


Thea Hjelmeland on Spotify

thea hjelmeland

Once I threw a stone so far I couldn't see it land. Her albums reflect this as well. Eg har leita etter kva eg skulle. Yeah, I knew it, still I had to do it. She has toured extensively in Norway, Europe and Cuba since her teenage years; released three albums and also composes music for theatre, dance companies and movies.


Frå stor glede djup sorg

thea hjelmeland

Once I placed my hands over my eyes to clear the view. Yeah, I know you like the smell. In Norway she is known as an exceptional live artist with a unique, playful expression and soundscape: on her albums as well as on stage. Og ei veldig, veldig tung sorg. Thea is a 2 times winner of the Norwegian Grammy for best Indie album and 4 times nominee.


Thea Hjelmeland

thea hjelmeland

Her voice can make even the toughest man cry, reaching from the highest to the deepest notes, powerful or soft. She has toured extensively in Norway, Europe and Cuba since her teenage years; released three albums and also composes music for theatre, dance companies and movies. Once I kept a secret, once I told it well. I know you do, I know-o-ho you want to. Ho levde i Paris i fleire år og levde av musikken for første gong. Slik har ho alltid jobba. Det er jo eit anna menneske i mitt liv som er viktigare enn meg.


Thea Hjelmeland

thea hjelmeland

Så eg har brukt god tid, eg har gått djupt og konfrontert meg sjølv og mine eigne kjensler. Yeah, I knew it, still I had to do it. Eg berre skjønte at «eg er jo frå Sogn og Fjordane». The lyrics touch upon feminism, with a sarcastic and sometimes morbid sense of humour, but always contain depth and an underlying severity. It was lovely the first, oh the third. Leita etter sitt eige uttrykk. Her playfulness in music and her presence on stage gives audience a rare adventure.
