Tom henning slethei. Slethei framleis på topp 2020-01-28

Slethei framleis på topp

tom henning slethei

Havila har fleire skip i opplag som følgje av krisa i offshorenæringa. . In 2008 he founded Polarcus Ltd. As of 2018 there are 422, and there are plans for many other mergers in 2020 along with much political pressure to do so. Peter Zickerman has over two decades of experience in the seismic industry. He was early out with the message that it would not was adopted on obligasjonseiermøtet. Erik Mathiesen is a founding partner of Storm Capital Management, London.


Investor snur om Havila

tom henning slethei

Tom Henning Slethei has been an investor in the stock and bond market over almost two decades. Investor Tor Henning Slethei ber no obligasjonseigarane om stemme ja til redningspakken og berge reiarlaget Havila frå konkurs, skriv krev innlogging. El-Tawil was appointed to the Board on 13 February 2014. When the company put forward the proposal to the gjeldsløsning, claimed Slethei that at least 40 per cent of the bondholders would vote against, and to block the proposal, which required two thirds majority. He has also served as non-executive board member and chair of Audit Committee for AusGold. It shows that a large majority were against the proposal and supported our arguments, thinks investor Tom Henning Slethei in the ad-hoc committee of the bondholders who voted against the proposal. It also applies to the continuous and safe operation of the vessels against all kontraktsmotparter and operation of suppliers of goods and services.



tom henning slethei

Landsverk Sande 1514 2,540 93. He was until January 2017 a Founding partner of Storm Capital Management, London, an asset management company focusing on energy, transportation and real estate in the Nordics. Tom Henning Slethei has been an investor in the stock and bond market for more than two decades. In his past career Mr. Even if the stakeholders under such circumstances has prepared backup plans, the decision about how this should be taken further then be taken by konkursboet in collaboration with the bl.


Polarcus Makes Board Changes

tom henning slethei

Now is Slethei keen to continue a constructive dialogue with both the owners and the banks where the goal is to find a good solution for the further operation of the company. No new konkurstrussel — Havilah, Shipping had been threatened with bankruptcy if this happened. I pressemeldinga frå partiet heiter det at Tine D. Madsen, who brings a wealth of industry experience to the Polarcus board. Svært mange av obligasjonseigarane i Havila har fredag varsla at dei støttar restruktureringsplanen som selskapet har lagt fram.


New board members in Polarcus Limited

tom henning slethei

Peter Rigg was re-elected as chairman with a term of office of one year and Karen El-Tawil was re-elected as board member with a term of office of two years. Reduce debt the Agreement that was voted on implies that Havilah pushes on bank debt so that forfallene are completely marginal in the next few years, the bondholders take the losses, and the company will receive new equity from shareholders with the Sævik family in the lead. He has diverse sector experience including the shipping and logistics industries, offshore drilling, oil services and industrials. A group of bondholders protesting and want their debt to be converted to equity. The national policy is that municipalities should only merge voluntarily, and studies are underway to identify potential gains. See the for further detail about municipal mergers.


New board members in Polarcus Limited

tom henning slethei

Mike Mannering is an experienced Chairman and Non-Executive Director with a long career in oilfield services including many senior corporate positions in Schlumberger as well as Chairman and, subsequently, Non-Executive Director of Songa Offshore until its acquisition by Transocean. Erik Mathiesen is a Founding partner of Storm Capital Management, London, an independent asset management firm focusing on energy, transportation and real estate in the Nordics. Obligasjonseiermøtet that should be between the parties on Thursday is cancelled. With this goes the net interest-bearing debt from 5. Dersom Havila ikkje får nok støtte, kjem bankane til å kreve lånet innfridd og det kan bety konkurs for selskapet med 650 arbeidsplassar. Thomas Kichler, informed the Company that they were not available for re-election at the 2016 Annual General Meeting. Havilah Shipping has debt of nok 5.


Investor snur om Havila

tom henning slethei

Law enforcement and are provided at a national level in Norway. Mrs El-Tawil is a Board member of Pulse Seismic Inc, an onshore multi-client company traded on the Toronto exchange. Oslo-listed seismic player Polarcus has elected Dr. There is a solution-oriented tone, and it is positive. Tom Henning Slethei and Mr. In the over one year has Havilah, Shipping tried to get to a solution with the lenders.


Seismic player Polarcus reshuffles board of directors

tom henning slethei

He is Chairman and owner of various companies within real estate and finance. Peter Zickerman has two decades of experience in the seismic industry. The mayor is the executive leader. Burlid received an undergraduate degree from Blekinge Tekniska Högskola. Det er forferdeleg og forkasteleg det maktmisbruket bankane utset obligasjonseigarane for, seier Slethei til Dagens Næringsliv.
