Akademikerne. English 2020-02-06

Akademikernes ledelsestopmøde 2019


The Norwegian economy must respond to the challenges presented by a global economy in which technological and organizational development continues to accelerate. In a market subject to intensifying competition, it will be vital to find and exploit the niches which demand new knowledge and technology. Hvor er de største forskelle — og er der ligheder, som går på tværs af de to sektorer? Workshoppen fokuserer på de små og mellemstore virksomheders arbejde med bæredygtig forretningsudvikling og produktion, herunder hvilke organisatoriske kompetencer, der er nødvendige samt hvilke barrierer, der opstår. It is important to create opportunities for cooperation, and to offer financial incentives for adaptation. Uddannelsen skal styrke ledernes viden og handlekompetencer på området.




We see a need for substantial improvements in salaries for scientific staff, as well as in conditions at universities and colleges. Akademikerne advocates measures that make it possible to realize these ambitions. The Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations Akademikerne is the primary Norwegian organization dedicated to improving salary and working conditions for professionals with a higher education. Here, expertise and knowledge will be critical factors. Adequate public-sector funding is necessary to ensure the independence of research from commercial special interests. In a world in which technology is developing faster than ever, knowledge and expertise are the most important factors for creating new and secure jobs.


Akademikernes ledelsestopmøde 2019


Akademikerne advocates schemes which ensure that both private- and public-sector organizations give adequate consideration to long-term needs for the development of knowledge in a competitive global economy. This also applies to recruiting for management positions. Mod er mere end nogensinde en aktuel ledelsesdyd. Akademikerne supports policies that motivate people to start their own businesses. At the same time, it is important for society to create an environment in which investment in training is not restricted to large enterprises rich in resources or to members of the employee organizations with the greatest bargaining power. Akademikerne believes that the threshold should be increased or that the surtax should be removed entirely. In the private sector, the role of the central contracting parties must be limited to specifying guidelines for local wage determination.


Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations


Here, salary levels and the potential to offer challenging and interesting work will be increasingly important. Det er derfor vigtigt, at ledere i både offentlige institutioner og private virksomheder har en grundlæggende forståelse for de muligheder og risici, der er forbundet med kunstig intelligens. The surtax intended as a tax on higher incomes now applies at a very low level, and affects ordinary employees. Education funding must be structured to reward a longer education instead of punishing it. The federation will campaign for equitable opportunities that enable both men and women to make the most of their strengths and resources on the job. Akademikerne believes that the financial framework for research should be strengthened.


Akademikernes ledelsestopmøde 2019


Akademikerne has 13 member organizations, with over 200. Akademikerne assumes that the principle of free negotiations will be followed. A good educational system with integrated continuing and further education is a prerequisite for diversified, competitive and adaptable industry in Norway. The development of knowledge and competence is essential for innovation and the development of ideas. The federation supports pay negotiations as near as possible to the workplace, to take greater account of the competition for skills in the job market. Akademikerne is working to improve funding for education. Især er det en udfordring at skulle matche de ansattes forventninger samtidig med at leve op til den øverste ledelses krav til lederrollen.


Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations


In collective bargaining agreements, salary progression for young graduates should be given priority. Basic research suffers from a lack of resources, funding and modern equipment. Hvad oplever de som de største udfordringer og muligheder på hvert deres felt? Det kræver involvering og medejerskab fra patienter, såvel som fra det personale med højtspecialiserede fagligheder, der skal have deres daglige gang på hospitalet 15. Ordstyrer: Mette Vibe Utzon Pris for deltagelse: 1500 kr. They include lawyers, engineers, psychologists, researchers, doctors, veterinary surgeons, clergy, social scientists, architects, business school graduates, economists, dentists, agronomists and officers in the armed forces.


Akademikernes ledelsestopmøde 2019


Self-employed professionals should be given the same opportunities for continuing and further education as salaried employees. Kasper Holten I en tid, hvor mange virksomheder er på jagt efter talenter, og hvor virksomheder har brug for diversitet blandt medarbejdere for at lykkes og kunne være innovative og vinde terræn, stiller det krav til, at lederen kan lede på tværs af mange forskellige fag, personlighedstyper m. Norwegian public-sector administration has been excessively influenced by the claims of different sectors for uniformity in organization and in the allocation of resources regardless of local challenges and conditions. Det er en adfærd der udspringer af den epoke, de er vokset op i, med fokus på globalisering, teknologi og liberalisme, men hvad betyder det, når de unge tager denne adfærd med på arbejde? The real interest rate for student loans should be reduced to zero. Resources which are currently used on unnecessary administration, supervision and control should be channelled into service delivery. Salary and working conditions Akademikerne believes that salary should be used actively as an instrument in personnel policy. Lars Qvistgaard, formand for Akademikerne 10.


Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations


Salary progression for both groups and individuals should be linked more strongly to knowledge, expertise and commitment, as well as to professional and administrative responsibility. The ratio of grants to loans must be increased. Akademikerne believes that, in coming years, an efficient job market in the public sector will rely on introducing systems to prevent a systematic pay lag in relation to the private sector. We support an industrial policy based on steady and continuous growth in competence, combined with a vision of life-long learning which emphasizes knowledge and innovation. It is important that recruiting in all sectors is balanced as evenly as possible between the sexes.


Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations


Men hvad karakteriserer modig ledelse? Rune Toldam, Bespoke De unge er en del af en generation, hvor præstationerne står i kø. Staff with knowledge and expertise should be given the responsibility and authority that enables them to work productively. If the public sector is to be competitive, it must also be able to compete for the best staff. Nich Bendtsen, kommunaldirektør i Hvidovre kommune I regi af Væksthus for ledelse har arbejdsgiver- og lønmodtager- organisationer i fællesskab identificeret en række succesfulde ledere i kommuner og regioner. Mellemlederrollen er ikke altid en nem rolle at udfylde. Gennem mange år er Kasper Holten lykkes med at samle og begejstre både medarbejdere de kunstneriske, tekniske og administrative og publikum i Danmark og i udlandet.


Akademikernes ledelsestopmøde 2019


. Hvilke krav stiller det til ledere og ledelse? Akademikerne considers it important that Norway is seen - both locally and internationally - as a country which offers attractive opportunities for investment. Investing in a long education is not only investing in your own career: it also means that you assume social responsibility by making the most of your abilities to benefit society. Og hvordan kan modig ledelse bidrage til at udvikle mere modige organisationer? The Norwegian economy is open and exposed to competition. Akademikerne is a confederation of professional organizations with members who are highly trained and highly qualified. Municipalities and local business leaders should have greater scope for allocating resources and setting priorities.
