Content aware scale. How to Use Content 2019-12-18

Reshape Images With Content Aware Scale In Photoshop

Content aware scale

The was a road in the photo and when I attempted to enlarge it, it warped in an obvious way. Photoshop is doing its best to protect the areas it thinks are important the couple running through the water and the island on the left of the image so they keep their original shape. I'll click and hold on the left handle, just as I did a moment ago, and this time, watch what happens as I drag the handle towards the right to reshape the photo. I've just recently started playing with Affinity Photo in the hopes of ditching photoshop completely, and this feature really is one of the only must-haves that is missing for me. The Power Of Content-Aware Scale That didn't work, so I'll press the Esc key on my keyboard to cancel and exit out of the Free Transform command.


Content Aware Move and Scale

Content aware scale

I know that the first step most folks would take in a situation like this is to crop the photo smaller so the drink sits at the center. Fortunately, much of the area in the center of this photo is low detail, making it a good candidate for the Content-Aware Scale command. In general, Content-Aware Scale works best with photos that contain large areas of low image detail blue skies, open fields, calm waters, and so on. I also use content aware scaling to extend paintings or textures all the time. It was basically turning into something funny with the content aware function.


How to Use Content

Content aware scale

I want to keep that mask there. Next, click and drag your image to apply the Warp. Example 2 In this photo, we are going to straighten the horizon line. Instead of cropping the white edges that are left after we straighten the photo, which might remove wanted elements, we will instead fill those areas in with Content Aware Fill. So anyway, I hope you liked this tutorial. Perhaps there is a distracting element in a scene that just can't be avoided, or the horizon is a bit crooked in an otherwise gorgeous landscape shot.


Content Aware Scaling

Content aware scale

Then, to select the areas I want to protect, I'll grab the from the Tools panel you can use any you like but the Lasso Tool works fine : Selecting the Lasso Tool from the Tools panel. Content aware scale is great for resizing photos, or more accurately, changing the shape of photos without losing important elements. With Content-Aware Scale, there's no need to crop anything away because Photoshop can move people and objects closer together or further apart almost like magic so everything fits within the new shape! No matter what we do to protect the important areas in a photo, we can only squish and compress an image so far before things start to get ugly. In this case, I am removing the bird from the sky. If so, be sure to select the multiple selections option as shown here.


How to Stretch an Image Using Content

Content aware scale

If you have images of fields, skies, beaches or anything that can be enlarged gracefully, you should achieve very good results. The usual way to change a photo's aspect ratio is to simply crop it using the , but that often means throwing away parts of the image we wanted to keep. Here, take a look: My goal for today is to center the drink in the photo without reducing its size at all. Sometimes you will likely have to use the more time-consuming Clone Stamp or Healing Brush tools. It helps to preserve proportion when scaling smaller as well as filling in empty areas when scaling larger. Now, I am going to show you how well this works.


Content Aware scaling

Content aware scale

See the difference between a layer resized with Content-Aware Scale and a layer resized with Free Transform? Do you see anything strange about it? I have fallen for that many times myself. Start with a higher percentage and then adjust accordingly, if necessary. Here is the final result of example 3:. This Photoshop tutorial shows you how to use this Photoshop feature. Now, you can create it anywhere you want. You know, so we might bring it down to about here to change that aspect ratio a little bit and notice that it protects the areas that we want to protect. That isn't an issue in this photo though.


Reshape Images With Content Aware Scale In Photoshop

Content aware scale

Click on that little Padlock there and that will unlock the background and now, we want to go to Edit, Content Aware Scale. In this example, the tool did a pretty good job with filling in some of the content, but not so good with a few areas. However, again the results will depend on the image you're working with. Also, this tool is very useful for removing elements from a photo for the purpose of placing a new object in the forefront. Now we are going to go and do exactly what we did before.


How to Use Content‐Aware Scale in Photoshop: 14 Steps

Content aware scale

Let's say I need to reshape this photo from its original 4x6 aspect ratio into something closer to a square, but I want to keep not only the couple and the heart shape in the lower right of the image but also the small island over on the far left. You can download this photo from Flickr, or if you have a photo of your own with a crooked horizon you can use that one to follow along as well. Status Confirmed Type: Year Origin Tags , , , , , , Additional References About Content Aware Scaling is an Adobe tool used to create animated in which the subject is warped and distorted within the frame. If you are not part of the Cafe Crew that means that you are not a subscriber yet. The best results occur in photos that have larger open areas that are conducive to manipulation. Go up to the Image menu at the top of the screen and choose Trim: The final reshaped image with the transparent areas trimmed away. The full written steps are coming soon! We are going to hit the Escape key, just to cancel that movement.
