Graco 4ever 4 in 1. Graco庐 4Ever庐 DLX 4 2019-11-20 Graco 4Ever DLX 4 in 1 Car Seat

Graco 4ever 4 in 1

Tighten the Vehicle Seat Belt Press down firmly in the center of the car seat. Con este retractor, necesitar谩 usar la presilla de seguridad para trabar el cintur贸n de seguridad del veh铆culo. Recheck the level indicator with child in seat. Aseg煤rese de que la parte de la falda del cintur贸n de seguridad del veh铆culo est茅. Lift the Red Backrest Locks Up With the car seat in the 6th recline position, lift the red backrest locks up and slide together. No instale usando este m茅todo para un ni帽o que pesa m谩s de 40 libras 18 kg 1.

Next Graco 4Ever DLX 4 in 1 Car Seat

Graco 4ever 4 in 1

You may need to use the belt positioning clip to help get a good fit. Verifique el indicador del nivel en el asiento de autom贸vil. Puede encontrar esta informaci贸n en la tarjeta de registro si todav铆a la tiene o en la etiqueta con la fecha que est谩. Elija el lugar adecuado para el asiento de autom贸vil en su veh铆culo. Almohadilla del asiento L铆mpielo con una esponja h煤meda usando un jab贸n suave y agua fresca. Adjust the recline until the bubble is completely within the blue zone. En clima fr铆o, no use trajes para nieve o prendas abultadas en su ni帽o cuando lo coloca en el asiento de autom贸vil.



Graco 4ever 4 in 1

El asiento de autom贸vil no se mueve m谩s de 1 pulgada 2. Buckle Position C The correct slot is the one that is closest to your child without being underneath them. When the belt is tight, close and lock the lock-off. Almohadilla del asiento L铆mpiela con una esponja h煤meda usando un jab贸n suave y agua fresca. In the end, the Graco 4ever All-in-One is an affordable option that delivers on all values: safety, ease of use, functionality, price, and comfort. Vuelva a colocar la almohadilla del asiento Mueva el apoyacabeza a la posici贸n correcta para su ni帽o. Headrest Pillow Use only in the rear-facing mode.


4Ever庐 DLX Platinum 4

Graco 4ever 4 in 1

The shoulder straps have always seemed very wide and it can be a challenge to get them properly positioned on a tiny baby, ours was under 6lbs at birth and only now at 16lbs do they seem to fit more easily, removing the strap padding helped with this too. Guarde la correa de sujeci贸n superior Sujete el gancho de sujeci贸n a la barra de pl谩stico en uno de los costados del asiento de autom贸vil. Su uso podr铆a alterar el rendimiento del asiento de autom贸vil. Review section 6 Chest Clip Even With Armpits Review section 6 Cannot Pinch Harness Straps at the Shoulder Review section 6. Pase el cintur贸n de seguridad del veh铆culo Pase el cintur贸n de seguridad del veh铆culo por la v铆a del cintur贸n orientada hacia adelante marcada con una etiqueta naranja y s谩quelo del otro lado.


Graco庐 4Ever庐 Extend2Fit庐 Platinum 4

Graco 4ever 4 in 1

Unhook Top Tether Strap From Storage 4. With this retractor, you will need to use the locking clip to lock the vehicle seat belt. Store the Harness Straps Loosen the shoulder straps as much as possible. How big is the Graco 4Ever All-in-One convertible car seat, and will it fit in your vehicle? Top of head must be 1 in. With some vehicle seat belts, this is done with the latchplate;.


A Mom's Review of Graco 4Ever Extend2Fit Platinum 4

Graco 4ever 4 in 1

Do not install by this method for a child weighing more than 40 lb 18 kg 1. . The 4Ever is also a car seat that features six different recline positions which is great. A few nice features this one has compared to the 4Ever are a forward-facing seat belt lockoff, easily accessible belt paths, recline handles on front and back of the base, and an integrated harness storage compartment. Final Thoughts Overall, the Graco 4ever All-in-One is a great choice for those who want a convertible car seat. Slowly pull the shoulder belt all the way out.


4Ever庐 DLX 4

Graco 4ever 4 in 1

A snug harness should not allow any slack. Ajuste el asiento de autom贸vil Ponga el asiento de autom贸vil en la cuarta, quinta o sexta posici贸n de reclinaci贸n. If I had to choose one color I would go with the Shale. Review section 6 Chest Clip Even With Armpits Review section 6 Cannot Pinch Harness Straps at the Shoulder Review section 6. Adjust the recline until the bubble is completely within the blue zone.


Graco 4Ever All

Graco 4ever 4 in 1

Store Top Tether Strap Attach tether hook to the plastic bar on either side of the car seat. Nunca use solamente el cintur贸n para la falda Cintur贸n para la falda detr谩s del apoyabrazos y que cruza bajo en las caderas y los muslos El cintur贸n para el hombro cruza el hombro, entre el cuello y el borde del hombro. Relock the Red Backrest Locks Make sure they are both flat and locked into place 11. Levante la traba del respaldo rojo Con el asiento de autom贸vil en la sexta posici贸n de reclinaci贸n, levante las trabas rojas del respaldo y desl铆celas juntas. Only thing I say to check about before buying is if you have a smaller car or if you have more than 2 car seats as to they are pretty big and bulky in my opinion! Rotate Metal Retainer and Insert It Up Through the Shell and Pad From the top of the car seat, pull the buckle out.


4Ever庐 Extend2Fit庐 Platinum 4

Graco 4ever 4 in 1

驴Qu茅 m茅todo de instalaci贸n debo usar? La base debe estar lo m谩s plana posible sobre el asiento del veh铆culo. The Graco 4Ever Extend2Fit 4-in-1 Convertible Car Seat gives you 10 years with one car seat. Not all vehicles will accommodate 3 car seats across. Can be used in 2 connection points. Select a suitable location for the car seat in your vehicle. Tensione la correa de anclaje superior Empuje el asiento de autom贸vil hacia atr谩s mientras tensiona la correa de anclaje superior para eliminar la flojedad.
