Kart over lofoten. Kart Vesterålen Lofoten 2019-12-27

Kart/map over Norge/Norway

kart over lofoten

There are two official parking areas provided by the municipality. Namnet Lofoten er forsøkt forklart på fleire måtar. Hedmark 173 167 187 103 26 120 10 084 In the landlocked county of Hedmark you'll find Norways longest valley, Østerdalen The Eastern Valley , and its longest river, Glomma. Også på Hinnøya og Moskenesøya finst det fjell over 1000 m. Landverts blir Lofoten knytt saman av Kong Olavs veg E10 frå på Moskenesøya til Fiskebøl på Austvågøy.


Kart/map over Norge/Norway

kart over lofoten

Østfold 185 492 248 217 3 889 1 502 Østfold means 'the land on the eastern side of Fold' se explanation for the previous county. Kristiansand has got the name from the Danish king who founded the city in the 1600s. Gudbrandsdalen and Mjøsa meets near the town Lillehammer. Fylkene i Norge ~ The counties of Norway Noen enkle fakta ~ some elementary facts Source for population and area figures: Statistisk sentralbyrå County Bef. Telemark 136 519 165 038 14 186 5 477 This county stretches from coastal lowland near the Skagerak in southeast, to the mountain plateau Hardangervidda in the northwest. . Det er mange steder i Lofoten, men hvordan ligger disse i forhold til hverandre og hvor langt er det mellom, har vel kanskje ikke alle like stor kontroll på.


Norges geologiske undersøkelse

kart over lofoten

Between these extremes you'll find numerous valleys, most of them containing long and narrow lakes. The trailhead is in Sørvågen, a short drive south of Reine. The name is a reminder from times when 'Nordlandene' - The Northern Lands - was used as a description of the three northern counties. The old fjord name Sogn may have something to do with strong currents in the sea. Kommunikasjonsmessig blir Lofoten delt i to. A project was started in 2016 with Sherpas laying stone steps up the mountainside.



kart over lofoten

A til B A point-to-point route takes you from one location to another, without returning to the start. More than a third of the countys population lives in the city of Tromsø, the main port to the Arctic waters. For an excellent, albeit longer alternative to Reinebringen, consider Tindstinden. Due to the incredible popularity of the trail, erosion has caused some serious damage to the landscape. På avstand ser Lofotøyane ut som ei samanhengande fjellrekke, kalla Lofotveggen. The county is situated between the Oslo fjord and the Swedish border, and is filled with farmland and low forrested hills. The meaning of the tribe name is uncertain.


Kart Vesterålen Lofoten

kart over lofoten

The county is almost without mountains, and has only very short fjords and small islands. The coastal side has the usual fjords and islands, and the Trondheim fjord cuts deep into the countys inland, where you'll find broad farming districts. Nordland 221 809 239 109 36 434 14 067 Nordland is by far the longest county in Norway, stretching more than four hundred miles, most of them north of the Arctic Circle, from south to north with islands and fjords. The name Finmark means literally 'the land of the Sami', and it is still true: A majority of lives there. And Aker of course means acre. Der kan du trykke på pila til høyre for å se kart og tabell over kommunene der. If you must continue, do so with great care.


Kvalvika Lofoten Kart

kart over lofoten

The spelling was later changed to Kristiania, but in 1925 the city got its old name back. Den andre fortolkinga er lo som i slette, dvs same tyding som lo i Oslo. Busetnaden er stort sett samla i tettstader eller fiskevær. The Sherpas have also constructed seats in places for some welcome rest. Lofoten er vorte eit populært turistmål med vakker natur og fiskevær med rorbucamping, og øygruppa er vorte er eit ynda mål for cruise-båtar om sommaren.


Kart Lofoten og Svolvær

kart over lofoten

Aust- Agder 75 811 102 178 8 485 3 276 Aust-Agder together with its neighbour constitute the southernmost part of Norway, usually called Sørlandet - The Southern Land. Ein ferjefri trasé for E10 frå Fiskebøl til Gullesfjordbotn i Kvæfjord opna i 2007. It's also possible to continue to the left or right along the ridge for different perspectives. The valley Setesdalen runs through the county up to its northern border. Kart over Lofoten og Vesterålen i Noreg Lofoten er ei øygruppe i , som ligg nord for på 67. Lofoten er knytt til flynettet med kortbaneflyplassar ved Svolvær, Leknes og på Røst.


Kart og steder

kart over lofoten

Høgste toppen i Lofoten er 1146 m. The rest of the trail is steep, slippery, and dangerous. The Bokn fjord dominates the northern part of the county, in the south you'll find one of the most fertile farmland in Norway - the coastal strip called Jæren. This first section of the hike is uphill but never very steep. The origins of the name is uncertain. Sørvestspissen av høyrer som del av Vågan kommune såleis administrativt til Lofoten, medan den nordaustlege delen av Austvågøy høyrer til i Vesterålen. Vestfold 154 670 212 775 2 140 826 Many hundred years ago the Oslo fjord was called 'Fold', a word meaning open sea.


Kart/map over Norge/Norway

kart over lofoten

Nord for Lofoten ligg øygruppa. Kvart år kjem det meir enn 200 000 turistar til Lofoten. Bergrunnen her er blant den eldste i Noreg, der dei eldste bergartane er om lag to milliardar år gamle. Additionally, there is a small along Road E10. The trail to departs from the same parking lot. Follow the 870 steps as they steadily climb up the mountainside. Aust-Agder means 'the eastern part of Agder', and the meaning of the name Agder could be something like 'the land that jots out into the sea'.


Kart Lofoten og Svolvær

kart over lofoten

By early summer 2019 steps were laid almost to the top, but the summit is still to be secured. Istedenfor en detaljert forklaring med mange ord, har vi her lagt ut noen kartutsnitt der vi har markert enkelte steder som er sentrale i denne sammenhengen og som går igjen i beskrivelser av program, reise- og overnattingsmuligheter. The first part of the county name probably derives from 'mare', an old word for sea. Øyane i Lofoten er skorne opp av smale fjordar og er åtskilde av til dels trange sund med strie tidvasstraumar, for eksempel , og. Vest- Agder 96 942 155 691 6 817 2 632 Vest-Agder is the western part of Agder see. If that is true Møre means 'the land by the sea'. Parts of the trail are often muddy and slippery so good hiking boots or shoes are highly recommended.
