Mage classic talents. Vanilla Mage Guide (1 2020-01-03

WoW Classic Mage Leveling Guide 1

mage classic talents

As great as this zone is, be ready to compete for mob tags, as there will be a lot of players funneled into this one zone. It is also soloable around level 58 with clever use of your Pet. Use Blink to quickly get to max range, then turn and cast Blizzard. Especially useful in PvP as it allows you to outrange opponents. Stacks up to 5 times. Note: At this point, you pretty much are done leveling; you can allocate your last Talent Point into the Wand Specialization Talent or just switch to the Raiding Spec immediately. The guides in this module supply information based on the chosen faction, group size, race, and class.


Vanilla Mage Guide (1

mage classic talents

This is a very powerful raid buff when there are several Frost Mages present, and should be applied as soon as possible. Arcane Meditation Leveling, Raiding Mana regeneration can be extremely important for casting classes, but it typically takes place in between battles. If you are going this far in the tree, definitely pick it up. Manage your threat much more easily by taking this. Make sure you are fully regenerated before every pull. Pick up at least a few points in this one for every Frost build. No need to grab this.


Vanilla Mage Guide (1

mage classic talents

More Mana means more spell casts, which in turn means more damage. Polymorph your target, let them watch in horror as you initiate the lengthy cast of Pyroblast. Repeat until they are dead! We have guides for all dungeons in Classic to help you in your journey. You want to become the strongest mage in your guild? For the sake of understanding the math behind resistances, here is a spreadsheet: Note: some spells like polymorph, counterspell and others will either do their full effect or none at all. There're only 3 mage spells that has 100% spell coeff: fireball, pyroblast and arcane missiles 100% per cast, not per missile. As the giant ball of flame hurtles towards your prey, cast Presence of Mind and then Pyroblast again to send a second massive fireball towards them, sealing their fate. You will gain 6% chance to Hit from talents, so the last 10% must come from gear.


Classic WoW Mage Leveling Guide & Best Leveling Spec 1

mage classic talents

The Elemental Mage build focuses on burst and AoE damage, using both Fire and Frost spells to maximize damage. You are a Fire Mage. Going so deep into the Frost tree also adds quite a bit of survivability. When combined with , the duration and slow effects are increased to 5, and 75%, respectively, which is extremely strong for controlling packs of enemies, or slowing single enemies with the Rank 1 version. Bag Space One aspect of Classic leveling that many players, especially retail players, often forget is bag space.


WoW Classic

mage classic talents

It removes all debuffs on you, which makes it extremely useful against certain bosses, but its main use is to allow you to survive otherwise deadly damage. For more information on leveling, be sure to check out our WoW Classic Horde Leveling Guide and Alliance Leveling Guide to figure out the best places to quest and travel to - and the best places to avoid. It is also very useful in PvP to slow enemies faster. This build can be used throughout the entire Classic experience, both in world PvP and Battlegrounds. Ahh, yet another example of viewing Classic through today's lens.


WoW Classic Frost Mage AoE Guide

mage classic talents

Gives your Frost damage spells a 80% chance to apply the Winter's Chill effect, which increases the chance a Frost spell will critically hit the target by 2% for 15 sec. Even if you have to move, you can cast at least one more spell. Tools, like Blink and Ice Block, allow him to escape danger and avoid death in situations where most other Classes would simply perish. His Intellect Racial is very strong as it provides additional Mana and Spell Critical Strike Chance. In PvP, Skilled Mage is a true nightmare for any opponent.


WoW Classic Frost Mage AoE Guide

mage classic talents

It can be useful in PvE to get out of sticky situations but is only worth it in builds which are aiming for. Getting it will definitely raise the power level of your character during the first few Phases of Classic. Where does it day that Cone of Cold lands a crit if enemies are frozen? For every 1 intellect you have, you gain 15 maximum mana. This is not a build for everyone. Next level: Your Scorch spells have a 100% chance to cause your target to be vulnerable to Fire damage. With Improved Scorch, however, it will add a Fire debuff to enemies, making it incredibly useful in raids, or when you need a bit more punch for a fast-casting spell.


Classic Mage DPS Guide

mage classic talents

Spells, like Polymorph, Cone of Cold, Blizzard, and Frost Nova, make him great at controlling and kiting adds during encounters, which makes him a must-have asset in any group. Fire Mage Leveling Fire provides the highest single target damage potential for a Mage, at the cost of some of Frost's control and defensive potential. Troll: Very good for PvE thanks to , which makes your burst even higher, is also nice to have. This talent makes it a lot easier to lock down targets and is amazing paired with. He supports great utility and survivability toolkits and packs a solid punch. Specifically, it is designed to have incredible burst AoE with joining as another instant, highly damaging AoE spell. It removes all debuffs on you, which is extremely useful against , but its main use is to allow you to survive overwhelming odds, while planning your next move and waiting for cooldowns to reset.
