Nathan drake. UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection Game 2019-12-22 UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection

Nathan drake

Archived from on 7 March 2012. Boomstick: Yeah, she was just too croft-y for him. Drake was voted as the fourth best character of the decade in a 2010 poll conducted by and was voted as the 16th top video game character of all time by the readers of in 2011. Archived from on 30 June 2012. Nathan suffered a bullet wound in the same area of the body, and while he powered through the pain for a short time, he soon passed out and was unconscious while under intensive care for three days.


Nathan Drake (character)

Nathan drake

Elena: Wait, what are these numbers, right here? Eventually, Naughty Dog settled on the name Nathan for its ability to be shortened to Nate, and the perception that it sounded historical. Boomstick: And Nathan Drake, seeker of the uncharted. Lara was voiced by and Nathan was voiced by. Drake is a playable character in 2012's released on. While Nate is away, Lazarević ambushes the village. Boomstick: And she's got enough trick arrows to make proud.


How old is Nathan Drake?

Nathan drake

Elena rescues Nate and they escape from Raja and his pirates. A few years later, Elena Fisher has become an international news correspondent, and has been stationed in Yemen for some time. Nate's plan suggests she steal a nearby jeep to use as a getaway car while he sneaks onto the train to grab Chloe. On the ship, Nate and Navarro fight, knocking him out. Wiz: Lara is also skilled with a competition compound bow, perfect for stealth kills.


UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection

Nathan drake

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves The train Two years after the events of Drake's Fortune, the game begins with an injured Nate waking up in a train hanging over a cliff in Nepal. The clip was uploaded to YouTube on the 7th of November 2007, nine days before the release of Drake's Fortune. Nate steps out of cover aiming his rifle as Lara does the same with her pistols and fires first, forcing him back behind cover. Archived from on 28 October 2008. He's exceptionally athletic, has encyclopedic historical knowledge, and can find a way out of almost any bad situation with his quick wit. Following his confrontation with Marlowe in Drake's Deception, Nate finally settles down and the two enter a more stable relationship together in New Orleans until Sam, Nate's forgotten brother, tracks them down.


Lara Croft VS Nathan Drake

Nathan drake

Elena: 29th of January, 1596. Wiz: Nathan found solace in his fascination with history, particularly the explorer who found ,. Elena: What, are you crazy? He then has a flashback revealing that and had offered him a job to steal a Mongolian oil lamp in a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. Drake's portraits are few, but there is a small signed oil of a Sportsman London, , Wellington Mus. They break into the house they had been sold to where the elderly owner reveals she knew their mother, a historian who had theorised that Francis Drake had heirs. New Game Modes -Explorer Mode is an all-new mode for beginners where combat difficulty is reduced greatly.


UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection

Nathan drake

Post- Among Thieves Following Among Thieves, Nate and Elena marry in unknown circumstances. If you're done lying to me, then you stop lying to yourself. Nathan's rival in the game is , the reason being that Drake found pages of Sly's book the Thievius Racoonus and at the start of his storyline was on a desert island with Sully similar to that found on Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune motion comic Elena appears in the two-episode motion comic adaptation of the prologue of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Wiz: But of course, he survived the crash, and even climbed to safety, despite having no way of knowing he'd get out of this whole mess alive at all. Nonetheless, the character has also received criticism for the excessive killing taking place in the Uncharted games. Archived from on 22 September 2009.


Elena Fisher

Nathan drake

The floor suddenly breaks apart and falls from the hole onward as Lara and Nate both leap upward toward the remaining ground. As Nate and Elena to lean in to kiss one another, Sully interrupts and pulls up in a speedboat, having escaped the Island with several boxes of treasure he found from Pirates. Nate explains to Sully how he is meeting with Elena to discuss cost arrangements for his expedition to find Sir Francis Drake's coffin. Elena grudgingly tells Nate and Chloe to leave her and stop Lazarević, but Chloe insists that they take care of her first. The climbing axe sticks into the helicopter upper area.


Lara Croft VS Nathan Drake

Nathan drake

Sully believes that having Elena come with him and Nathan broadcasting their mission to discover would jeopardize their goal, Nathan reluctantly agreed, so they abandoned her while she's still on the phone. She helps Nate plan ways into sneaking into restricted areas and taking out opponents. This helps make him charming rather than annoying. Wiz: The winner is Lara Croft. In Among Thieves, she has become an investigative journalist, and as such wears a more formal white button up shirt and dark jeans while she is in Nepal.
