Pinnekjøtt. Hvordan lage pinnkjøttet selv :) 2020-01-07

Hvordan lage pinnkjøttet selv :)


Place a spoonful of the rutabaga mash on top of each one, followed by pieces of warmed pinnekjøtt which has been pulled away from the bone. It is done when the meat falls easily off the bone. Dryss resten av saltet jevnt over pinnekjøttsiden. On a totally different subject: has the sun re-appeared yet? Serve this as a pre-Christmas party appetizer or as a way to use up leftovers the next day. Pour water in the pot, but not touching the meat.


Pinnekjøtt med rotmos


This flat, tortilla-like bread is made simply from flour and water. When it was dry, they were hung up in the stabburet. Størrelsen på utvalget av biter i pakken blir også vurdert, samt kuttet. The flavor is very plain and simple, so if you are using a substitute make sure to get one as close to a Norwegian version as possible. Utvanningstiden varierer litt etter hvor mye kjøttet er tørket, tykkelsen på kjøttstykkene og temperatur på vannet.




One uses a mixture of coarse and fine salt and rubs the sides with salt by hand. Legg en metallrist eller bjørkepinner uten bark i bunnen av en vid kjele. In many places in the west of Norway, you'll know it is Christmas when the church bells chime in the afternoon of the 24th and the air has a faint smell of pinnekjøtt cooking. Lokk in Oslo makes tasty varieties of finnbiff, while Zupperia in Bergen specialises in a creamy rendition made with mushrooms. Fordi den gamle konserveringsmåten har en meget smakfull bivirkning! Next, water is added, leaving the meat and vegetables to boil and simmer which creates a rich stock of flavor. Den veier omtrent tre kilo og koster omkring 100 kroner per kilo.


Coop Pinnekjøtt salted / non


Tradition is a celebration of time past and tells the stories that make up our memories, but it also celebrates the present and our evolving tastes. Top with a couple shreds of the crispy potatoes. It has to hold the ingredients without softening so much that it falls apart. Check out in , who serve kjøttboller with creamy gravy and lingonberries, or in Oslo, for a Spanish take on this Norwegian delicacy. Nå har det spredd seg over hele landet, slik at det snart ikke er sauer nok i Norge til å dekke behovet. Trykk her for å se hele.




Pinnekjøtt is meat that has been salted and dried, soaking it ensures it regains its consistency — as well as making it palatable by removing most of the salt. On a visit there some years ago, I was given a book of Norwegian recipes. The sun has not come up yet. The dish traces back to the 1700s, but is most likely older than that. Det gjøres enklest ved å stikke en skrutrekker gjennom to av ribbene og træ en snor igjennom og lage ei løkke.




Tørrfisk is also cured through a fermentation process, by which cheese, for example, is matured. Kjøttet fra 2018 beskrives som tørt og med en harsk fettsmak, i tillegg til at det er ujevnt kuttet. If it sizzles and rises immediately, the oil is ready. These can be described as rougher version of Swedish meatballs. You will want the flatbread to be thin but strong.


Pinnekjøtt with Flatbread, Rutabaga, Crispy Potatoes & Lemon Browned Butter


Legg pinnekjøttet i en stor bolle eller bøtte, og fyll på kaldt vann helt opp til kanten. Preparing it for a meal is simple. Then the sides are flushed well with water and hang for drying. Remove from the heat and add stir in the lemon juice. To make it, the ribs are first salted, then dried, then sometimes smoked. Vi arbeider etter Vær Varsom-plakatens regler for god presseskikk. Differing from their Scandinavian cousins, kjøttboller are a more loosely bound patty of beef, flavored with ginger and nutmeg before frying.


Willy s Pinnekjøtt


I spent the whole morning learning about their techniques and their recipe, which they have been perfecting for ten years. Christmas peace descends across the country. Fyll på vann så det står i høyde med risten. Tørk pinnekjøttsiden godt med kjøkkenpapir. Ta opp ribben og skyll av saltet.




Sett det høyt i ovnen på sterk varme eller under grillen i ca. Kjært barn har mange navn. Først må det saltes Så var det salt. Add a pinch not too much — this has a very strong flavour of ground nutmeg if liked — the slight sweetness goes really well with the salty meat. These robust meatballs are usually served with either mashed or boiled potatoes before being drizzled with a cream sauce or a hearty gravy. Sett kjølig 0 til 10° C i 3 dager. Tørrfisk can also form the basis of other fish meals, such as a delicacy called lutefisk.
