Robert berchtold. Robert Berchtold Obituary 2020-01-12

Abducted In Plain Sight viewers slam Jan Broberg's parents

Robert berchtold

I literally just finished watching the documentary before I checked reddit and noticed this thread. Berchtold ended up running into one of the bikers with his car, and the guy remained on the hood, clinging to the windshield wipers, until he saw the driver pull a gun. The family filed for a stalking injunction in 2004 as Berchtold continued to follow them, attempting to get into contact with Jan - he was arrested for not sticking to the terms in 2005, and also charged with keeping an illegal gun. There, he forced her to marry him and continued his sick sex assaults until he was finally caught and Jan was taken home. Factoring in good behavior, he ended up spending 10 days in jail that September. They weren't interested in dredging up the past. Edit to add: And so what if this pederast is going to tattle about your affair.


What Happened To Robert Berchtold From 'Abducted In Plain Sight'

Robert berchtold

Set in the 1970s, Robert and Mary Ann Broberg and their daughters Jan, Karen, and Susan are a nice family in Pocatello, Idaho. She has since re-trained as a social worker and helps to place children in foster care. I ask because it reminds me of Children of God or some ridiculous brainwashed cult behavior. Not only did he marry her when they were in Mexico, but he had her so brainwashed that Jan believed she was supposed to be with Berchtold. Berchtold made them believe his therapist had advised him to work through his pedophilia by sharing a bed with Jan. But the real bombshell isn't that Berchtold revealed himself to innocent 12-year-old eyes and jogged the suspicion of willfully blind adult eyes that he was a creep before taking Jan. When he was done, they went to the payphone and called a number that was written in the still-open phone book that was attached to the booth.



Robert berchtold

They stayed off the radar for 35 days. To be able to actually kidnap somebody is incredibly difficult. Taking all of this into consideration, it's no surprise that people are not warming to Bob and Mary Ann in the documentary. Mother and daughter were speaking at Dixie State College in St. Abducted on Plain Sight is now streaming on Netflix. This is why I think Jan is still close with them.


Who Is Robert Berchtold? New Details About The Pedophile Featured In 'Abducted In Plain Sight' Documentary On Netflix

Robert berchtold

But one thing they all agree on? In fact, his brother gives an inteview during the documentary out and out calling Berchtold a pedophile. Were they part of some cult or something? Berchtold abandoned Jan when she was 16, because she was too old. Where is Jan Broberg now? The court hearing that established the restaining order was a turning point in their relationship with Berchtold losing control. Shockingly, after Jan returned, the twisted paedophile kidnapped her for a second time after her parents - who he threatened and manipulated - forgave him and welcomed him back with opened arms. Cue an idyllic scene of families riding in electric bumper-boats in a theme park lake.


Why the Unbelievable True Story of Abducted in Plain Sight Really Is That Disturbing

Robert berchtold

Facing down another trip to jail, he took his whole bottle of heart medication and washed it down with kahlua and milk. Bob and Mary Ann, Agent Welsh states, were told to cut off communication with the Berchtolds. She went on to become an actress. That's completely insignificant compared to the abuse he put their daughter through. This is one of those cases where, just when you think you can't possibly hear anything else that'll blow your mind - well, here comes another mind-blowing revelation. Berchtold proceeded to convince the girl that she was the scion of an ancient alien race, tasked with saving the species by procreating with him. You go on to have yet another affair and allow him around her again? They are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and take their faith seriously.


'Abducted in Plain Sight': Who Is Jan Broberg and What Is She Doing Now?

Robert berchtold

At the time, she said she believed she was truly in love with him. She is deeply devoted to her chocolate Labrador and an avid long distance runner. The director of the horrifyingly disturbing documentary has revealed that a scene involving 's mother Mary Ann and a gun was edited out of the film. If that wasn't bad enough, Bob also gave Berchtold a hand job and Mary Ann had an affair with him. Jan eventually secured an injunction against him for stalking, set to expire only when he did. The film, directed and produced by Skye, details the story of Idaho teenager Jan and her abductions which happened when she was just 12 and 14. They might not have had a solid understanding of what he was up to, but they knew something was off.


Robert Berchtold Obituary

Robert berchtold

It chronicles the peculiar case of Jan Broberg, an Idaho teenager who was abducted by her decades-older neighbor Robert Berchtold in the 1970s. And now Skye Borgman, the director of Abducted in Plain Sight, has admitted that a shock scene involving Jan Broberg's mother was left on the cutting room floor. Filmmaker Skye Borgman left out a scene which featured a meet-up that Mary Ann had with Robert Berchtold in a car park, allegedly involving a firearm and her brother via. How does the manipulator get you from point A, to being their best friend, to kidnapping and abusing your daughter. Someone at a Catholic boarding school in Pasadena, Calif.


Abducted In Plain Sight viewers slam Jan Broberg's parents

Robert berchtold

Im gonna go back and finish it because I don't think I saw anything about the second time he took her, but goddamn. Jan continues to hope her story serves as a warning to other families. The stranger-than-fiction story centres on the Broberg family and how they were systematically groomed, manipulated and blackmailed by close friend and neighbour, Robert Berchtold, who kidnaped their young daughter twice. Mormonism is really common in Idaho, particularly in that area. Living in a caravan that was a 'shrine' to his child bride On 10 August 1976 - two years since her first disappearance - Jan left home in the middle of the night to meet Berchtold. I can't help but question at least Jan's parents' account of what happened - essentially, I believe they may be trying to portray themselves in the most sympathetic possible light, given the circumstances. Jan Broberg survived her ordeal and is thriving now.


Netflix's Abducted in Plain Sight: Jan Broberg’s mother confronted Robert Berchtold with a GUN

Robert berchtold

He convinced Bob and Mary Ann that his subsequent treatment by a psychologist involved spending multiple nights in bed with Jan. Stolen Innocence: The Jan Broberg Story was what initially drew the attention of Abducted in Plain Sight director Skye Borgman. One thing everyone can be happy about? Jan and Karen shared a basement bedroom and Berchtold, who owned a furniture store, built a wall that gave the girls their own bedrooms. The hope for Abducted in Plain Sight, Borgman and Jan Broberg Felt have both said, is that it helps end the around sexual abuse and assault. Firstly Bob and Mary Ann let Berchtold share a bed with their daughter multiple times, knowing that he was being counselled for being attracted to children.


Why the Unbelievable True Story of Abducted in Plain Sight Really Is That Disturbing

Robert berchtold

That's why I think I've always been involved in the arts because I know the power. Mary Ann says that a doctor's examination revealed that her hymen was intact Jan explains that he would only insert about an inch of his penis into her and Jan seemed far more concerned about what was going to happen to B than anything else. What many families would have considered a nightmare, the Brobergs seemed unbothered by: When Jan suddenly went missing at the age of 12, her mother and father didn't even think to call the police. In October 1974, Berchtold offered to pick Jan up from her piano lesson and take her horseback riding. It wasn't until then that she realized none of the terrible things Berchtold had told her would happen—about the aliens, about her sister going blind, etc. In fear of what might happen to Berchtold if people found out, she kept silent about the abuse, and shockingly, the family dropped charges against him after he threatened to reveal their sordid affairs.
