Sol heilo konsert. Events in Oslo 2020-01-04

Sol Heilo

Sol heilo konsert

Multi-instrumentalist Heilo er kjend for allsidigheita si. The trio play 14 instruments together, and they all sing. After travelling around the world she ended up in Connecticut and played in as a percussionist for a short period of time. In 2012 and 2013 worked as a composer, arranger, musician, music producer, technician, visual designer and actor on the Stilleben. Together with she wrote the winner song of the competition, and KollenbrĂžlet 2013 is presently the official Holmenkollen theme song.


Sol Heilo m/band pÄ Haavebua

Sol heilo konsert

In meinen TrĂ€umen bin ich kreativ. Wer so weit gekommen ist, so empfand es Heilo, verliert ein wenig seine Unschuld, seine Neugier, seine SpontaneitĂ€t fĂŒr Was-wĂ€re-wenn-Situationen. . She recently participated on ' last album Til det blir dag 2015 with vocals. For twelve years Sol has designed and sewn her own clothes, and mostly all of her Katzenjammer stage outfits is from her self collection.


Solveig Heilo

Sol heilo konsert

Sol also made all the vocal arrangements for the Katzenjammer version of , where strings arrangement was made by. Koselig Ä ha en man i band ogsÄ - og klubba pÄ slutten satte punkt for ett flott inlegg! FrÞken Sol sto sjelden rolig pÄ scenen, sÄ her ble det mer eller mindre blur pÄ alle bildene. Die Lieder sind erwachsener geworden, der Sound ist eigenstÀndig. No har Sol Heilo sitt soloprosjekt ogsÄ tatt av der nede, sÄ det var med naud og neppe vi fekk det til denne gongen ogsÄ. She also debuted as a singer. Det ble en forrykende konsert med ei kruttÞnne til vokalist.


Sol Heilo m/band pÄ Haavebua

Sol heilo konsert

The genre is eclectic but has a clearer red thread than the Katzenjammer material, as she is the main songwriter. At the moment she plays with in his solo project with his daughter Hanna Maria. From their early years they all showed great , and learned to sing before learning to talk. She also participated in the design on their second album 2011 together with and , and is fully behind all art work on Katzenjammer's third album 2015. Jeg sang ute pÄ dans da jeg var ung, det var kjempegÞy. Die Lieder sind erwachsener geworden, der Sound ist eigenstÀndig.



Sol heilo konsert

At the age of 12, she participated as a drummer in the for the in , together with a group of ten years older percussionists from the. In 2005 she built a at where she practised recording skills and also produced the first demo record of Katzenjammer together with. Ha gode sensommerdager :- Hyggelig at du titter innom! Spennende med dekorasjon av trekkgardinen. I vÄr markerte jeg en milepel i livet, ikke noe rundt tall, men et tall som har betydning, ikke av den alvorlige sorten, men heller den sorten man kan dra litt pÄ smilebandet av! Skal du du fÄtt det fint till med sÄ mye varierte band i din tolkning. Darin verbindet sie die Themen ihrer kindlichen Traumwelt mit ihrer Karriere als erfolgreiches Bandmitglied und erfindet sich als Musikerin und GeschichtenerzÀhlerin neu. Their father Arne Heilo taught them how to play the piano, and their mother Bente Heilo sang with them every day. Temaene dreier seg stort sett om mine interesser for blomster og planter - knytta til mat, medisin og helse, navn, arter, dyrking og stell samt kultur, kunst, mytologi, etymologi, folkeminne, litteratur, musikk, matematikk og haver hjemme og ute i den vide verden - og alt med utgangspunkt i den kunnskapen jeg har som kunst- og kulturformidler.



Sol heilo konsert

Sol showed little interest in , and using her high capacity for and she quickly played anything. Derfor kan et avsnitt se forskjellig ut fra tid til annen. Sol works in different genres, such as folk, rock, pop, bluegrass, classical, blues, soul, country, tribe, klezmer and electronica. Sol plays drums and sings. She started to play guitar and other instruments being used in Katzenjammer such as banjo, accordion, mandolin, ukulele, bass, domra and contrabass balalaika. Ho er komponist, artist, musikar, musikkprodusent, arrangĂžr, designer og kostymedesigner. Her var det mye Ă„ kommentere.


Events in Oslo

Sol heilo konsert

She is also the sole arranger of Katzenjammer's versions of the songs , and. Det betyr at nytt stoff nÞdvendigvis ikke er Ä finne under siste innleggsdato. Olavsprisen as Student of the Year. Men det har aldri lukkast oss Ä fÄ dei til FlorÞ. Men no kjem ho, og med eit digert band og stort sceneoppsett, sÄ dette gler vi oss til, seier Ottesen. Touring, including bringing the arsenal of instruments needed for a typical gig, is a major part of the work for Sol and the other band members.


Solveig Heilo

Sol heilo konsert

She was co- writer on the Katzenjammer singles Rock Paper Scissors and I Will Dance from the album 2011 , and has written the two singles My Dear and Shine Like Neon Rays from the album 2015. . In meinen TrĂ€umen bin ich kreativ. They were looking for the new, official , and several prominent Norwegian bands and composers submitted their songs. She has also sewn dresses as Katzenjammer merchandise. Nach ihrer ĂŒberaus erfolgreichen Karriere mit dem norwegischen Folk-Quartett Katzenjammer war es fĂŒr die Musikerin, Komponistin, Produzentin, KĂŒnstlerin und Modedesignerin ein ziemlich selbstverstĂ€ndlicher Schritt, auf Solopfaden zu wandeln.



Sol heilo konsert

She has written music with her brother , and her other brother is also musically active. Det gjorde jeg ved Ă„ gĂ„ pĂ„ konsert med Sol Heilo og band. Og ho trakterer sĂ„ mange ulike instrument at lista kan gjere ein kvar svimmel: Trommer, trompet, bass, gitar, melodisk perkusjon, ukulele, domra, banjo, balalaika, zither, harpe, flĂžyte, piano, trekkspel, piano, munnspel og mandolin, er nokre av instrumenta du kan vente Ă„ hĂžyre nĂ„r Sol frontar det sju personar store bandet sitt pĂ„ Haavebua laurdagskvelden. She now works on a side project with , where they both are producers and musicians on some of Sol's recently written musical works. She is mostly known for the band. Nach ihrer ĂŒberaus erfolgreichen Karriere mit dem norwegischen Folk-Quartett Katzenjammer, wandelt Heilo nun auf Solopfaden.


Vilt og vakkert: Band

Sol heilo konsert

Dumt jeg ikke tok med meg speilrefleksen der jeg kan regulere eksponeringstida. SĂ„ fĂ„r vi se - vi mĂ„ nok tilbake Ă„ plukke blĂ„bĂŠr. She has also done most of Katzenjammer's general artwork for their line of , such as t -shirt designs, posters, stage designs, early web design and the design of their well known contra bass balalaika AkerĂž. Alt ligger til rette for ei fantastisk musikalsk helg i FlorĂž 16 og 17 juni 2017. She then moved to and studied composing and studio production at in Oslo 2003-2005 and this is where Katzenjammer was founded together with her student companions and. Dette vĂŠret er veldig uforutsigbart. Die Songs welche die Basis fĂŒr die neue Platte legten, schrieb sie nur fĂŒr sich alleine und waren nie als Katzenjammer-StĂŒcke gedacht.
