Uno x hydrogen. Norway: Explosion at hydrogen filling station 2019-12-14


uno x hydrogen

Powerhouse wants to demonstrate that it is possible to build energy positive buildings, not just in the southern regions of the world, but also in cold Norway. Now, Toyota and Hyundai are both halting sales of fuel cell vehicles in the country. Vi bruker ogsÄ tiden nÄ til Ä vurdere hva som er riktig for vÄre stasjoner og hvilken energi vi skal tilby i personbilmarkedet fremover. It is not yet clear how long the H2 filling stations will be out of service. The drivers of fuel cell vehicles in Norway will probably have some difficulties in the coming days, as Uno-X is the leading supplier in the country. As a precaution, we have temporarily closed ten more stations until further information is available. The Uno-X hydrogen station in Sandvika in BÊrum exploded on Monday and resulted in two injuries in a nearby non-fuel cell vehicle.



uno x hydrogen

Two experts are said to have flown in from Denmark during the night to advise the rescue forces on site and support the authorities in their technical investigations. These companies have lobbied for strong subsidies for those vehicles in many markets and in some, they are even getting more subsidies than battery-electric vehicles. The company also has a number of patents related to tests for early detection and diagnosis of diseases. They inaugurated the station in November 2016 as the first of a new generation of filling stations developed by Nel. Velkommen til en trygg opplevelse hos oss i Uno-X.


Hydrogen station explodes, Toyota halts sales of fuel cell cars, is this the end?

uno x hydrogen

The company's main products are hydrogen production plants based on water electrolysis, complete hydrogen stations for transport and renewable energy storage solutions. In Sandvika near Oslo, an explosion occurred at a hydrogen filling station for fuel cell cars on Monday. A hydrogen refueling station exploded in Norway on Monday and the company operating the station has suspended operation at its other locations following the explosion. The cause of the explosion is currently unknown and the rest of the refueling network is being shut down. KjĂžrbo is centrally located in Sandvika outside of Oslo, by two of the busiest roads in Norway with 80 000 cars passing daily. The operating company Uno-X Hydrogen is a joint venture of Uno-X, Nel and Praxair. According to the police, the explosion was strong enough that it activated the airbags in the vehicle without any impact.


❗ Stengt for tanking av hydrogen

uno x hydrogen

Today, Uno-X Gruppen consists of seven financially strong and companies, four in Norway and three in Denmark. Uno-X is based in Oslo and Copenhagen. . About Powerhouse Powerhouse is a collaboration of companies dedicated to building energy positive buildings. De tre stasjonene som hadde hydrogentilbud er nÄ tÞmt for hydrogen.



uno x hydrogen

In addition to requiring less space, it is a new layout that distinguishes this type of station: Due to the improved cooling of the hydrogen, the pump can be placed up to 50 meters away from the other components. Reitangruppen is also holding 15. This is a big blow to the technology that a few automakers, mainly Toyota and Hyundai, have been holding to as their alternative to making all-electric vehicles. The stations will be deployed in cities like Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand, along with corresponding corridor locations. Our top priority is the safe operation of the stations we have delivered. Other project partners include consulting firm Asplan Viak and BÊrum Municipality. Vi vil aldri kompromisse med sikkerheten for vÄre kunder.



uno x hydrogen

Let us know in the comment section below. The national government recently announced the intention of a grant and support scheme for the rollout of hydrogen refuelling stations in Norway. Hendelsen etterforskes nÄ av politiet, med bistand fra fagfolk og eksperter. Investigations are ongoing to find out what ignited the leak. The company has its roots from the hydrogen activities of Norsk Hydro, which dates back to 1927.


NEL and Uno

uno x hydrogen

This situation in Norway is not going to help make their case. But we stop the sale until we have learned what has happened, and for practical reasons, since it is not possible to fill fuel now. About Uno-X Uno-X Gruppen is a trading company, specialising in marketing and sale of fuels and lubricants for commercial and private customers. Until establishing the cause of the incident, the supplier Nel has closed ten more stations. Our brief includes all relevant news from Europoe and beyond, delivered straight to your inbox — electrive. The hydrogen tanks themselves are so robust that you can shoot them with a gun without knocking them.


Hydrogen station explodes, Toyota halts sales of fuel cell cars, is this the end?

uno x hydrogen

Dette gjelder stasjonen ved Sandvika utenfor Oslo, Hvam i Skedsmo og Åsane i Bergen. Vi kommer heller ikke til Ă„ ha hydrogen ved noen av vĂ„re Ăžvrige stasjoner, fĂžr vi er helt sikre pĂ„ at teknologien og lĂžsningen er trygg. Vi i Uno-X vil understreke hvor alvorlig vi ser pĂ„ det som skjedde 10. Alle vĂ„re 170 stasjoner selger bensin og diesel som vanlig. The stations will be deployed in cities like Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand, along with corresponding corridor locations. Daglig leder i Uno-X Norge, Jens Haugland.


NEL and Uno

uno x hydrogen

As a precaution, we have temporarily put ten other stations in standby mode in anticipation of more information. According to the company, no one was injured but one report mentions two minor injuries. Yet, they have been having a hard time selling their fuel cell models while electric vehicle sales have been growing fast. Derfor er det per nÄ ikke aktuelt for oss Ä etablere nye hydrogenutsalg i Bergen, Trondheim eller StjÞrdal. .


❗ Stengt for tanking av hydrogen

uno x hydrogen

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