Bomb i linköping. Swedish town of Linkoping rocked by ‘powerful explosion’, 25 injured 2020-01-30

Bombings in Sweden

bomb i linköping

Several people were hospitalized after the incident but the type and extent of their injuries remains unclear. According to Amir Rostami, 2016 saw a record number of hand grenade attacks. Rostami said criminologists in Sweden don't know why there was a strong increase and why Sweden has a much higher rate than countries close by. Swedish police do not record or release the ethnicity of convicted criminals, but Linda H Straaf head of intelligence at says they are from poor areas and many are second- or third-generation immigrants. By October 2017, the crime had not been solved. The national bomb squad investigated the crime scene. Fortunately, most of the night has occurred when not many people have been in circulation, says Jon Wåhlander.


Bombings in Sweden

bomb i linköping

Residents in the building have connections to another building in Bromma which was bombed the previous week. While there were 17 deadly shootings in 2011, there wre 45 in 2018. At the same time, the police note that bombs detonated in Malmö have been loaded with an average of half a kilo to one kilogram of explosives, which, in comparison, is also sufficient to cause extensive damage. Ett 20-tal personer skadades lindrigt, men ingen allvarligt. Damaged balconies and windows are seen at a block of flats that were hit by an explosion in Linkoping, central Sweden. I fredags morse skakades Linköping av en mycket kraftig explosion.


Bomben i Linköping

bomb i linköping

Den 29-årige mannen är tidigare dömd för ringa dopningsbrott, misshandel, olaga hot och hot mot tjänsteman och har tidigare rört sig i kretsarna kring gänget Black Cobra i Linköping. The entrance, several windows and three cars parked nearby were damaged. Media uppger att en 29-åring med koppling till organiserad brottslighet bor i eller har en annan koppling till huset. The weapons used are weapons such as and explosives intended for either civilian or military use. In september 2019 police in issued a general warning to be vigilant for explosive devices when walking the city at night. Afrems church in Södertälje was bombed again after two previous bombings during the preceding year.


Bombings in Sweden

bomb i linköping

Police said that there were no plans to evacuate residents. Araby is a , an area with a higher crime rate. Bombings in Sweden are attacks and sabotage using explosive devices in. Up until July there were 120 bombings compared to 83 the same period the previous year. Forty windows were blown out in the explosion.


25 injured as explosion rocks Swedish city of Linkoping, bomb squad investigating

bomb i linköping

The amount of explosives that the bomb in Linköping contained makes it one of the largest deaths in Sweden in a long time and the charge could very well have caused several deaths. In 2018 there were 162 explosions, and in the first nine months of 2019 97 explosions were registrered, usually carried out by criminal gangs. Mansour Balevasi är för sin del också tidigare dömd och åtalad för en mängd olika brott, och. According to police authorities, many of the hand grenades used are weapons which originate from the. Some 20 ambulances were also sent to the scene with at least six fire tenders in support. Of the 162, 47 were in the Stockholm region and 56 were in the southern region which includes Malmö. How worried are you for an explosion in Sweden with many deaths? While were on the rise in the 2011-2018 time span, according to a study at Malmö University the number of hand grenade attacks had shown a strong increase in the same period and a total of 116 hand grenade detonations were recorded.


Swedish town of Linkoping rocked by ‘powerful explosion’, 25 injured

bomb i linköping

Han har också kopplingar i sociala medier till 37-åringen. Legal authorities use the term allmänfarlig ödeläggelse genom sprängning English: damage by explosive blast and media in Sweden use the shorter term sprängdåd. In a more recent trend, more affluent districts also experienced attacks, such as a detonation in. Totalt ska 250 lägenheter, varav 37 i huset där sprängladdningen exploderade, ha fått skador. Public broadcaster published a news item on 1 November entitled Unusually high workload for the national bomb disposal unit. Ethnicity is not recorded and published for either suspect or convicted criminals, but according to police intelligence chief Linda H Staaf many are second or third generation immigrants, are members of disadvantaged groups and have grown up in. The police have confirmed that at least 25 people sustained injuries in the blast.


The bomb cycle in Linköping contained at least 15 kilos of explosives

bomb i linköping

Rescue personnel and firefighters work outside a block of flats that were hit by an explosion in Linkoping, central Sweden. By June 2019, Malmö and Stockholm had the most bombings. As a result, the decision to place the court building of a volatile city in a residential area was questioned. Det verkar också vara ett rykte med låg trovärdighet. While the cause of the apparent explosion was not clear, Sweden has seen several cases in recent years where explosives were used in suspected gang-related attacks. In 2019, , worried about the bombings in Sweden, introduced for the first time since the 1950s. On the way he found a hand grenade, thought it was a toy and picked it up.


Bomben i Linköping

bomb i linköping

The detonation killed him and wounded his wife. No people were injured, but several cars were damaged in the explosion. Rescue personnel work outside a block of flats that were hit by an explosion in Linkoping, central Sweden. The unit had processed 98 bombings in 2019 up until 1 November. Två ledande medlemmar i nätverket, den idag 38-årige Mansour Balevasi och en annan ett år yngre man dömdes i augusti 2018 till fängelse. European Journal of Criminology: 147737081882065. The national bomb squad was called to the scene, but was diverted due to the two other attacks in the Stockholm area the same day.


Bombings in Sweden

bomb i linköping

The facade of the building and several vehicles were damaged. The shockwave from the large blast, which took place at roughly 9am local time, destroyed nearby windows and balconies and damaged other buildings. Enligt andra rykten som sprids i sociala medier ska en person ur släkten Kastrati för tillfället vara bosatt i byggnaden. This crime's category is a very new in Sweden that was not even logged prior to 2017. Two persons were in the building but were not seriously injured.
