Index of the 100 season 6. Index of The 100 Season 6 With Episode Titles, Release Dates, and Streaming Details 2019-12-15

The 100 (TV series)

Index of the 100 season 6

Bellamy and the others leave Camp Jaha to search for their friends. Clarke represents the group and goes to the meeting, where she meets Anya, a grounder leader. Octavia watches over Wonkru warriors fighting to the death. On the ground, in an effort to initiate peace, Finn arranges a meeting with the local grounder leader through Lincoln. They have sex, and she decides to go with him back to his family's abandoned farm.


Index of The 100 Season 6 With Episode Titles, Release Dates, and Streaming Details

Index of the 100 season 6

Raven and Wick destroy the mountain's generators, and the lock on Mount Weather's door is disabled. They take casualties crossing a minefield and reach a lake where a mysterious boat appears. Archived from on December 24, 2014. Titus kills himself to ensure Ontari cannot use him against Clarke, and Ontari swears Roan and Murphy to secrecy about the missing Flame. Octavia publicly submits to Madi, unifying Wonkru under Madi's command. Octavia takes advantage of the camp's suffering from the effects of hallucinogenic nuts gathered as rations and frees the grounder, whose name is Lincoln.


The 100

Index of the 100 season 6

Due to the limited rations, everyone decides to enter cryogenic sleep for 10 years in order to give Earth time to recuperate. We will update this article with news of the season six release date. With Bellamy urging her to fight, Clarke destroys Josephine for good and is reunited with her friends at long last. After opening the door, Octavia, Kane, and Abby rush to Jaha's aid. Bellamy reaches her pod first and throws away her radio. It is revealed that Echo is working with Queen Nia of the Ice Nation, who is helped by Emerson, the last survivor of Mount Weather, in carrying out its destruction.


The 100 season 6 release date: Will there be another series?

Index of the 100 season 6

By Octavia's decision, Clarke is left with 12 hours to banish over 300 of her people to the surface, possibly leaving too few skilled workers to maintain the bunker. She finds a room of dead people, then a young Nightblood girl who runs from her. Meanwhile, the residents of Arkadia band against Ilian and want to execute him for destroying the ship but Kane tries to resolve the conflict peacefully. There, Echo, the grounder Bellamy first freed from the cages beneath the mountain, appears and speaks of an Ice Nation plot to attack the summit in Polis. For the fifth season, see. However, there was a massive time jump between seasons four and five which proved popular with fans so perhaps will accelerate time again for season six. He is visited by Diana Sydney, and it is revealed that Jaha's assassination was her idea.


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Index of the 100 season 6

Abby, Octavia, Miller, and Harper stage an elaborate rescue, with last-minute help from Monty, whose betrayal of Pike is covered up by his mother. The Mecha Station, with Abby and Kane, makes it to the ground. Much better than showing a man and a woman throwing themselves at each other, tearing off each other's clothing and attaching two open mouths while in that process. Through the window in her door she sees Monty locked in an identical room across the hallway. Archived from on November 1, 2014. Rothenberg last year: I had this idea for how I wanted the show to end.


The 100 (TV series)

Index of the 100 season 6

Miles tells them it must be Raven. On The Ark, Abby and Raven go to great lengths to acquire a , but Kane finds out and has Abby arrested. An old bunker is discovered that can protect 1,200 people for over 5 years from the new apocalypse; each of the twelve clans selects a hundred people to stay in the bunker. Production on the pilot occurred during the second quarter of 2013. Their argument leads to Kane suffering internal bleeding and Abby puts him back into cryo until she can figure out how to save him. Meanwhile, Bellamy, his girlfriend Gina, Octavia, and Raven arrive at Mount Weather with supplies for the Farm Station refugees.


The 100 Season 6 Episode 13 Trailer, Release Date, Cast, Latest News, and More

Index of the 100 season 6

Raven and the other six on the Go-Sci Ring try to boost signals to contact the Bunker, when they see the Eligius ship. Clarke races to the village, where she explains the danger to Lexa. Most of the 100 retreat into the dropship; Anya leaps in after them. Elsewhere, Jaha, Murphy, and crew continue to search for the City of Light. Meanwhile, grounders capture Finn and Bellamy, before Abby, Kane, and the rest of The Ark's survivors find them and free them.


The 100 season 6 release date: Will there be another series?

Index of the 100 season 6

Soon, a deadly spreads thanks to Murphy, who was used by the grounders as an agent of biological warfare. Clarke finds and kills the spotter with Lincoln's help, and realizes that the spotter's lack of a hazmat suit means the mountain men have started harvesting her friends. She follows a bird, at one stage considering suicide, and discovers the Shallow Valley. And the planet they have now arrived at will be full of these crazy people. They discover that some survived the apocalypse: the Grounders, who live in clans locked in a power struggle; the Reapers, another group of Grounders who have been turned into cannibals by the Mountain Men; and the Mountain Men, who live in , descended from those who locked themselves away before the apocalypse.


List of The 100 episodes

Index of the 100 season 6

Meanwhile, Murphy is released from his bunker and finds Jaha and A. It's just like Octavia foolishly and selfishly burning the far; - If she didn't do that, we wouldn't have the 6th season. Madi consults the previous commanders with Gaia's help and devises a strategy to take the gorge. The whole group ends up at a dead-end cliff where Charlotte jumps off and commits suicide, and Bellamy banishes Murphy. Pike then frees himself, his supporters, and Bellamy, and they leave to finish what they started. So, we need to wait for two more episodes, and see what happens to Wonkrus, who are in deep trouble. Please by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise.
