Are you a former exchange student? Dersom du etter haustsemesteret 2018 har færre enn 120 norske studiepoeng, vil du få avslag, ettersom karaktergrunnlaget ditt er for lite. Kan eg få studieplassen til studentar som ikkje møter opp første dag? If you are not qualified, your application will be rejected. You can apply for several campuses for one school. Gjennom Samordna opptak får du svar i hovudopptaket 20. If your degree will not be confirmed prior to this date, contact for information.
Må eg møte opp ved studiestart? The latter two are offered to international students. Signing up is on a first-come, first-served basis, so register early to be sure you get a place. Follow the directions provided in the email. Today, the University of Oslo has approximately 30,000 students and 4,600 employees, divided between the following eight Faculties: Theology, Law, Medicine, Humanities, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dentistry, Social Sciences, and Education. UiA offers about 40 Bachelor's and 35 Master's programmes in our six faculties, and our Teacher Education Unit: - Faculty of Health and Sport - Faculty of Humanities and Education - Faculty of Fine Arts - Faculty of Engineering and Science - Faculty of Social Sciences - School of Business and Law - Teacher Education Unit The degree programmes consist of both traditional university programmes and professional programmes. Frist for å svare på tilbodet er 22. You will then receive a list of leftover places and instructions for submitting an application in the second application round.
Nokre gongar vert det køyrd eit suppleringsopptak der det blir gitt plass til søkarar på venteliste, men andre gongar vert det ikkje supplert. If you already have a certified translation of the document into English, we encourage you to upload this with the original. Please refer to for information about the minimum educational requirements for your country. Vel søknadsalternativ 1500 Master i økonomi og administrasjon. Dersom du vert innstilt av UiB til å søkje om å reise på utveksling, er neste steg i prosessen å søkje om opptak til den aktuelle lærestaden ute i verda.
Admission is highly competitive with only one in eight applicants being offered admission. HiMolde is the most central higher education in Norway when it comes to offering education within Logistics, and Sport Management. We recommend you use a web browser other than Internet Explorer, as the application portal at times works poorly within this web browser. A more detailed schedule and reading list will be available in December. If you are admitted, you will receive information on when and how to choose a major profile.
UiT offers all students a distinct advantage over many universities around the world: there are no tuition fees. The application portal is now open for applications for autumn 2018. Urangerbare søkarar: dersom du har eit opptaksgrunnlag som ikkje let seg rekne ut på vanleg måte, vil søknaden din bli individuelt vurdert. Transcripts should be scanned in full colour to ensure authenticity. Etter at du har fått tilbod om studieplass kan du søke om godskriving fritak av tidlegare utdanning. Bildet i appen er det same du har på studentkortet ditt.
Applicants are ranked according to their grade average. Getting your application results Students are admitted continuously during the spring semester; however, most applicants will be notified of their application result in the middle of April. Altogether we have approximately 2700 students spread on our campuses in Bergen, Oslo and Kristiansand. Do you need to document financial ability? Please refer to for information about the minimum educational requirements for your country. In keeping with national priorities, the University of Oslo's international policy focuses strongly on solidarity and participation in global development. Kva skal merknadsfeltet brukast til? The UiS embraces the globalised world, but never forgets to nurture its local, regional and national roots.
Dersom du ikkje kan dokumentere engelskkunnskapar som etterspurt på søknadstidspunktet, bør motivasjonsbrevet ditt innehalde ein plan for korleis det skal oppnås. Oversettinga skal gjerast av translatør eller tolketeneste. Om du har utdanning som vert avslutta i vårsemesteret, vil eit eventuelt tilbod om opptak vere betinga. If you are to take courses at Årstadvollen and in the city campus area, make sure you have enough time between your lectures to get from one campus to the other. Students that have attended Norwegian Upper Secondary High School must upload their Upper Secondary Diploma.
Hopp til hovedmenyen; Hopp til Brukernavn: Mobilnummer: Obs: Nummeret må være registrert i StudentWeb. We welcome applications for admission from students from all over the world with no discrimination to race, religion, age, gender or nationality to study in Norway. Unless you already have one, create your own pin code. . The religious demography of Norway has changed significantly. Have you prepared all the documents required? Før du søker, rår vi deg til å setje deg godt inn i kva dokumentasjon du må laste opp for at søknaden skal vere komplett, kva format filene må vere i og kva namn du skal gi dei.
Dersom du er inaktiv i 10 minutt må du logge inn på nytt. The Møllendal Campus Fine Art and Design Most of our new except the Grieg Academy is located in Møllendal. Eg har bachelorutdanning frå utlandet — må eg dokumentere norsk- og engelskkunnskapar? I lista over utvekslingsstadar er sånne krav oppført for skulane det gjeld. Vi reknar ikkje med resultat frå vårsemesteret 2019. This takes place in doctoral programmes, research groups and centres, in addition to a number of individual projects.